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EDS1232ECBH-9ATT Datasheet(PDF) 19 Page - Elpida Memory |
EDS1232ECBH-9ATT Datasheet(HTML) 19 Page - Elpida Memory |
19 / 50 page EDS1232ECBH-9ATT Preliminary Data Sheet E0878E10 (Ver. 1.0) 19 Command Truth Table for CKE CKE Current State n – 1 n /CS /RAS /CAS /WE Address Operation Notes Self refresh H × × × × × × INVALID, CLK (n – 1) would exit self refresh L H H × × × × Self refresh recovery L H L H H × × Self refresh recovery L H L H L × × ILLEGAL L H L L × × × ILLEGAL L L × × × × × Continue self refresh Self refresh recovery H H H × × × × Idle after tRC H H L H H × × Idle after tRC H H L H L × × ILLEGAL H H L L × × × ILLEGAL H L H × × × × ILLEGAL H L L H H × × ILLEGAL H L L H L × × ILLEGAL H L L L × × × ILLEGAL Power down H × × × × × INVALID, CLK (n – 1) would exit power down L H H × × × × EXIT power down L H L H H H × EXIT power down L L × × × × × Continue power down mode All banks idle H H H × × × Refer to operations in Function Truth Table H H L H × × Refer to operations in Function Truth Table H H L L H × Refer to operations in Function Truth Table H H L L L H × CBR (auto) Refresh H H L L L L OPCODE Refer to operations in Function Truth Table H L H × × × Begin power down next cycle H L L H × × Refer to operations in Function Truth Table H L L L H × Refer to operations in Function Truth Table H L L L L H × Self refresh 1 H L L L L L OPCODE Refer to operations in Function Truth Table L H × × × × × Exit power down next cycle L L × × × × × Power down 1 Row active H × × × × × × Refer to operations in Function Truth Table L × × × × × × Clock suspend 1 Any state other than H H × × × × Refer to operations in Function Truth Table listed above H L × × × × × Begin clock suspend next cycle 2 L H × × × × × Exit clock suspend next cycle L L × × × × × Maintain clock suspend Remark: H: VIH. L: VIL. ×: VIH or VIL Notes: 1. Self refresh can be entered only from the all banks idle state. Power down can be entered only from all banks idle. Clock suspend can be entered only from following states, row active, read, read with auto- precharge, write and write with auto precharge. 2. Must be legal command as defined in Function Truth Table. |
Similar Part No. - EDS1232ECBH-9ATT |
Similar Description - EDS1232ECBH-9ATT |
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