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EDS1232ECBH-9ATT Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Elpida Memory |
EDS1232ECBH-9ATT Datasheet(HTML) 14 Page - Elpida Memory |
14 / 50 page EDS1232ECBH-9ATT Preliminary Data Sheet E0878E10 (Ver. 1.0) 14 DQM Truth Table CKE DQM Function Symbol n – 1 n 0 1 2 3 Data write / output enable ENB H × L L L L Data mask / output disable MASK H × H H H H DQ0 to DQ7 write enable/output enable ENB0 H × L × × × DQ8 to DQ15 write enable/output enable ENB1 H × × L × × DQ16 to DQ23 write enable/output enable ENB2 H × × × L × DQ24 to DQ31 write enable/output enable ENB3 H × × × × L DQ0 to DQ7 write inhibit/output disable MASK0 H × H × × × DQ8 to DQ15 write inhibit/output disable MASK 1 H × × H × × DQ16 to DQ23 write inhibit/output disable MASK 2 H × × × H × DQ24 to DQ31 write inhibit/output disable MASK 3 H × × × × H Remark: H: VIH. L: VIL. ×: VIH or VIL Write: lDID is needed. Read: lDOD is needed. CKE Truth Table CKE Current state Function Symbol n – 1 n /CS /RAS /CAS /WE Address Activating Clock suspend mode entry H L × × × × × Any Clock suspend mode L L × × × × × Clock suspend Clock suspend mode exit L H × × × × × Idle CBR (auto) refresh command REF H H L L L H × Idle Self refresh entry SELF H L L L L H × Self refresh Self refresh exit L H L H H H × L H H × × × × Idle Power down entry H L L H H H × H L H × × × × Power down Power down exit L H H × × × × L H L H H H × Remark: H: VIH. L: VIL. ×: VIH or VIL |
Similar Part No. - EDS1232ECBH-9ATT |
Similar Description - EDS1232ECBH-9ATT |
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