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TLC27M4 Datasheet(PDF) 8 Page - Texas Instruments |
TLC27M4 Datasheet(HTML) 8 Page - Texas Instruments |
8 / 37 page TLC27M4, TLC27M4A, TLC27M4B, TLC27M4Y, TLC27M9 LinCMOS ™ PRECISION QUAD OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS SLOS093C – OCTOBER 1987 – REVISED MAY 1999 8 POST OFFICE BOX 655303 • DALLAS, TEXAS 75265 electrical characteristics at specified free-air temperature, VDD = 5 V (unless otherwise noted) PARAMETER TEST CONDITIONS TA† TLC27M4I TLC27M4AI TLC27M4BI TLC27M9I UNIT MIN TYP MAX TLC27M4I VO = 1.4 V, VIC = 0, 25 °C 1.1 10 TLC27M4I O , RS = 50 Ω, IC , RL = 100 kΩ Full range 13 mV TLC27M4AI VO = 1.4 V, VIC = 0, 25 °C 0.9 5 mV VIO Input offset voltage TLC27M4AI O , RS = 50 Ω, IC , RL = 100 kΩ Full range 6.5 VIO Input offset voltage TLC27M4BI VO = 1.4 V, VIC = 0, 25 °C 250 2000 TLC27M4BI O , RS = 50 Ω, IC , RL = 100 kΩ Full range 3000 µV TLC27M9I VO = 1.4 V, VIC = 0, 25 °C 210 900 µV TLC27M9I O , RS = 50 Ω, IC , RL = 100 kΩ Full range 2000 αVIO Average temperature coefficient of input offset voltage 25 °C to 85 °C 1.7 µV/°C IIO Input offset current (see Note 4) VO =2 5V VIC =2 5V 25 °C 0.1 pA IIO Input offset current (see Note 4) VO = 2.5 V, VIC = 2.5 V 85 °C 24 1000 pA IIB Input bias current (see Note 4) VO =2 5V VIC =2 5V 25 °C 0.6 pA IIB Input bias current (see Note 4) VO = 2.5 V, VIC = 2.5 V 85 °C 200 2000 pA VICR Common-mode input voltage range 25 °C – 0.2 to 4 – 0.3 to 4.2 V VICR gg (see Note 5) Full range – 0.2 to 3.5 V 25 °C 3.2 3.9 VOH High-level output voltage VID = 100 mV, RL = 100 kΩ –40 °C 3 3.9 V 85 °C 3 4 25 °C 0 50 VOL Low-level output voltage VID = –100 mV, IOL = 0 –40 °C 0 50 mV 85 °C 0 50 L i l diff ti l 25 °C 25 170 AVD Large-signal differential voltage amplification VO = 0.25 V to 2 V, RL = 100 kΩ –40 °C 15 270 V/mV voltage am lification 85 °C 15 130 25 °C 65 91 CMRR Common-mode rejection ratio VIC = VICRmin –40 °C 60 90 dB 85 °C 60 90 S l lt j ti ti 25 °C 70 93 kSVR Supply-voltage rejection ratio ( ∆VDD/∆VIO) VDD = 5 V to 10 V, VO = 1.4 V –40 °C 60 91 dB ( ∆VDD/∆VIO) 85 °C 60 94 V2 5 V V2 5 V 25 °C 420 1120 IDD Supply current (four amplifiers) VO = 2.5 V, No load VIC = 2.5 V, –40 °C 630 1600 µA No load 85 °C 320 800 † Full range is – 40 °C to 85°C. NOTES: 4. The typical values of input bias current and input offset current below 5 pA were determined mathematically. 5. This range also applies to each input individually. |
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