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LTC2751CUHF-12-TRPBF Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Linear Technology |
LTC2751CUHF-12-TRPBF Datasheet(HTML) 9 Page - Linear Technology |
9 / 20 page LTC2751 9 2751f PIN FUNCTIONS RCOM (Pin 1): Center Tap Point of RIN and REF. Normally tied to the negative input of the external reference invert- ing amplifier. RIN (Pin 2): Input Resistor for External Reference Inverting Amplifier. Normally tied to the external reference voltage VREF and to ROFS (Pin 37). Typically 5V; accepts up to ±15V. S2 (Pin 3): Span I/O Bit 2. Pins S0, S1 and S2 are used to program and to read back the output range of the DAC. IOUT2 (Pin 4): DAC Current Output Complement. Tie IOUT2 to GND. NC (Pin 5): No Connection. Must be tied to GND, provides necessary shielding for IOUT2. D3-D11 (Pins 6-14): LTC2751-12 Only. DAC Input/Output Data Bits. These I/O pins set and read back the DAC code. D11 is the MSB. D5-D13 (Pins 6-14): LTC2751-14 Only. DAC Input/Output Data Bits. These I/O pins set and read back the DAC code. D13 is the MSB. D7-D15 (Pins 6-14): LTC2751-16 Only. DAC Input/Output Data Bits. These I/O pins set and read back the DAC code. D15 is the MSB. VDD (Pin 15): Positive Supply Input 2.7V ≤ VDD ≤ 5.5V. Requires a 0.1µF bypass capacitor to GND. GND (Pin 16): Ground. Tie to ground. ⎯C⎯L⎯R (Pin 17): Asynchronous Clear. When ⎯C⎯L⎯R is taken to a logic low, the data registers are reset to the zero-volt code for the present output range (VOUT = 0V). MSPAN (Pin 18): Manual Span Control Pin. MSPAN is used to configure the LTC2751 for operation in a single, fixed output range. When configured for single-span operation, the output range is set via hardware pin strapping. The span input and DAC registers are transparent and do not respond to write or update commands. To configure the part for single-span use, tie MSPAN directly to VDD. If MSPAN is instead connected to GND (SoftSpan configuration), the output ranges are set and verified by using write, update and read operations. See Manual Span Configuration in the Operation section. MSPAN must be connected either directly to GND (Soft- Span configuration) or VDD (single-span configuration). D0-D2 (Pins 19-21): LTC2751-12 Only. DAC Input/Output Data Bits. These I/O pins set and read back the DAC code. D0 is the LSB. D0-D4 (Pins 19-23): LTC2751-14 Only. DAC Input/Output Data Bits. These I/O pins set and read back the DAC code. D0 is the LSB. D0-D6 (Pins 19-25): LTC2751-16 Only. DAC Input/Output Data Bits. These I/O pins set and read back the DAC code. D0 is the LSB. NC (Pins 22-27): LTC2751-12 Only. No Connection. NC (Pins 24-27): LTC2751-14 Only. No Connection. NC (Pins 26, 27): LTC2751-16 Only. No Connection. ⎯D/S (Pin 28): Data/Span Select. This pin is used to select activation of the data or span I/O pins (D0 to D15 or S0 to S2, respectively), along with their respective dedicated registers, for write or read operations. Update operations ignore ⎯D/S, since all updates affect both data and span registers. For single-span operation, tie ⎯D/S to GND. READ (Pin 29): Read Pin. When READ is asserted high, the data I/O pins (D0-D15) or span I/O pins (S0-S2) output the contents of the selected register (see Table 1). For single-span operation, readback of the span I/O pins is disabled. UPD (Pin 30): Update and Buffer Select Pin. When READ is held low and UPD is asserted high, the contents of the input registers (both data and span) are copied into their respective DAC registers. The output of the DAC is updated, reflecting the new DAC register values. When READ is held high, the update function is disabled and the UPD pin functions as a buffer selector—logic low to select the input register, high for the DAC register. See Readback in the Operation section. ⎯W⎯R (Pin 31): Active Low Write Pin. A Write operation copies the data present on the data or span I/O pins (D0- D15 or S0-S2, respectively) into the input register. When READ is high, the Write function is disabled. S0 (Pin 32): Span I/O Bit 0. Pins S0, S1 and S2 are used to program and to read back the output range of the DAC. |
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