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MAX941 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Maxim Integrated Products |
MAX941 Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Maxim Integrated Products |
7 / 14 page _______________Detailed Description The MAX941/MAX942/MAX944 single-supply compara- tors feature internal hysteresis, high speed, and low power. Their outputs are guaranteed to pull within 0.4V of either supply rail without external pullup or pulldown circuitry. Rail-to-rail input voltage range and low-volt- age single-supply operation make these devices ideal for portable equipment. The MAX941/MAX942/ MAX944 interface directly to CMOS and TTL logic. Timing Most high-speed comparators oscillate in the linear region because of noise or undesired parasitic feed- back. This tends to occur when the voltage on one input is at or equal to the voltage on the other input. To counter the parasitic effects and noise, the MAX941/ MAX942/MAX944 have internal hysteresis. The hysteresis in a comparator creates two trip points: one for the rising input voltage and one for the falling input voltage (Figure 1). The difference between the trip points is the hysteresis. When the comparator’s input voltages are equal, the hysteresis effectively causes one comparator input voltage to move quickly past the other, thus taking the input out of the region where oscillation occurs. Standard comparators require hys- teresis to be added with external resistors. The MAX941/MAX942/MAX944’s fixed internal hysteresis eliminates these resistors and the equations needed to determine appropriate values. Figure 1 illustrates the case where IN- is fixed and IN+ is varied. If the inputs were reversed, the figure would look the same, except the output would be inverted. The MAX941 includes an internal latch that allows stor- age of comparison results. The L — A — T — C — H – pin has a high input impedance. If L — A — T — C — H – is high, the latch is transpar- ent (i.e., the comparator operates as though the latch is not present). The comparator's output state is stored when L — A — T — C — H – is pulled low. All timing constraints must be met when using the latch function (Figure 2). Shutdown Mode (MAX941 Only) The MAX941 shuts down when – S — H — D — N – is low. When shut down, the supply current drops to less than 60µA, and the three-state output becomes high impedance. The – S — H — D — N – pin has a high input impedance. Connect – S — H — D — N – to V+ for normal operation. Exit shutdown with L — A — T — C — H – high; otherwise, the output will be indeterminate. Input Stage Circuitry The MAX941/MAX942/MAX944 include internal protec- tion circuitry that prevents damage to the precision input stage from large differential input voltages. This protection circuitry consists of two back-to-back diodes between IN+ and IN- as well as two 4.1k Ω resistors (Figure 3). The diodes limit the differential voltage applied to the internal circuitry of the comparators to be no more than 2VF, where VF is the forward voltage drop of the diode (about 0.7V at +25°C). For a large differential input voltage (exceeding 2VF), this protection circuitry increases the input bias current at IN+ (source) and IN- (sink). Input Current = (IN+ - IN-) - 2VF 2 x 4.1k Ω Input current with large differential input voltages should not be confused with input bias current (IB). As long as the differential input voltage is less than 2VF, this input current is equal to IB. The protection circuitry also allows for the input common-mode range of the MAX941/MAX942/MAX944 to extend beyond both power-supply rails. The output is in the correct logic state if one or both inputs are within the common-mode range. High-Speed, Low-Power, 3V/5V, Rail-to-Rail, Single-Supply Comparators _______________________________________________________________________________________ 7 VTRIP+ VHYST VTRIP- COMPARATOR OUTPUT VOH VOL VTRIP+ + VTRIP- 2 VOS = VIN- = 0V VIN+ Figure 1. Input and Output Waveform, Noninverting Input Varied |
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