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HD6432126R Datasheet(PDF) 89 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
HD6432126R Datasheet(HTML) 89 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
89 / 843 page 65 2.8.3 Exception-Handling State The exception-handling state is a transient state that occurs when the CPU alters the normal processing flow due to a reset, interrupt, or trap instruction. The CPU fetches a start address (vector) from the exception vector table and branches to that address. Types of Exception Handling and Their Priority: Exception handling is performed for resets, interrupts, and trap instructions. Table 2.7 indicates the types of exception handling and their priority. Trap instruction exception handling is always accepted in the program execution state. Exception handling and the stack structure depend on the interrupt control mode set in SYSCR. Table 2.7 Exception Handling Types and Priority Priority Type of Exception Detection Timing Start of Exception Handling High Reset Synchronized with clock Exception handling starts immediately after a low-to-high transition at the RES pin, or when the watchdog timer overflows. Interrupt End of instruction execution or end of exception-handling sequence* 1 When an interrupt is requested, exception handling starts at the end of the current instruction or current exception-handling sequence. Low Trap instruction When TRAPA instruction is executed Exception handling starts when a trap (TRAPA) instruction is executed.* 2 Notes: 1. Interrupts are not detected at the end of the ANDC, ORC, XORC, and LDC instructions, or immediately after reset exception handling. 2. Trap instruction exception handling is always accepted in the program execution state. Reset Exception Handling: After the RES pin has gone low and the reset state has been entered, when RES goes high again, reset exception handling starts. When reset exception handling starts the CPU fetches a start address (vector) from the exception vector table and starts program execution from that address. All interrupts, including NMI, are disabled during reset exception handling and after it ends. Interrupt Exception Handling and Trap Instruction Exception Handling: When interrupt or trap-instruction exception handling begins, the CPU references the stack pointer (ER7) and pushes the program counter and other control registers onto the stack. Next, the CPU alters the settings of the interrupt mask bits in the control registers. Then the CPU fetches a start address (vector) from the exception vector table and program execution starts from that start address. |
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