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HD6432126R Datasheet(PDF) 82 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
HD6432126R Datasheet(HTML) 82 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
82 / 843 page 58 Absolute Address—@aa:8, @aa:16, @aa:24, or @aa:32: The instruction code contains the absolute address of a memory operand. The absolute address may be 8 bits long (@aa:8), 16 bits long (@aa:16), 24 bits long (@aa:24), or 32 bits long (@aa:32). To access data, the absolute address should be 8 bits (@aa:8), 16 bits (@aa:16), or 32 bits (@aa:32) long. For an 8-bit absolute address, the upper 24 bits are all assumed to be 1 (H'FFFF). For a 16-bit absolute address the upper 16 bits are a sign extension. A 32-bit absolute address can access the entire address space. A 24-bit absolute address (@aa:24) indicates the address of a program instruction. The upper 8 bits are all assumed to be 0 (H'00). Table 2.5 indicates the accessible absolute address ranges. Table 2.5 Absolute Address Access Ranges Absolute Address Normal Mode Advanced Mode Data address 8 bits (@aa:8) H'FF00 to H'FFFF H'FFFF00 to H'FFFFFF 16 bits (@aa:16) H'0000 to H'FFFF H'000000 to H'007FFF, H'FF8000 to H'FFFFFF 32 bits (@aa:32) H'000000 to H'FFFFFF Program instruction address 24 bits (@aa:24) Immediate—#xx:8, #xx:16, or #xx:32: The instruction contains 8-bit (#xx:8), 16-bit (#xx:16), or 32-bit (#xx:32) immediate data as an operand. The ADDS, SUBS, INC, and DEC instructions contain immediate data implicitly. Some bit manipulation instructions contain 3-bit immediate data in the instruction code, specifying a bit number. The TRAPA instruction contains 2-bit immediate data in its instruction code, specifying a vector address. Program-Counter Relative—@(d:8, PC) or @(d:16, PC): This mode is used in the Bcc and BSR instructions. An 8-bit or 16-bit displacement contained in the instruction is sign-extended and added to the 24-bit PC contents to generate a branch address. Only the lower 24 bits of this branch address are valid; the upper 8 bits are all assumed to be 0 (H'00). The PC value to which the displacement is added is the address of the first byte of the next instruction, so the possible branching range is –126 to +128 bytes (–63 to +64 words) or –32766 to +32768 bytes (–16383 to +16384 words) from the branch instruction. The resulting value should be an even number. |
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