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HD6432126R Datasheet(PDF) 81 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
HD6432126R Datasheet(HTML) 81 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
81 / 843 page 57 Table 2.4 Addressing Modes No. Addressing Mode Symbol 1 Register direct Rn 2 Register indirect @ERn 3 Register indirect with displacement @(d:16,ERn)/@(d:32,ERn) 4 Register indirect with post-increment Register indirect with pre-decrement @ERn+ @-ERn 5 Absolute address @aa:8/@aa:16/@aa:24/@aa:32 6 Immediate #xx:8/#xx:16/#xx:32 7 Program-counter relative @(d:8,PC)/@(d:16,PC) 8 Memory indirect @@aa:8 Register Direct—Rn: The register field of the instruction code specifies an 8-, 16-, or 32-bit general register containing the operand. R0H to R7H and R0L to R7L can be specified as 8-bit registers. R0 to R7 and E0 to E7 can be specified as 16-bit registers. ER0 to ER7 can be specified as 32-bit registers. Register Indirect—@ERn: The register field of the instruction code specifies an address register (ERn) which contains the address of the operand in memory. If the address is a program instruction address, the lower 24 bits are valid and the upper 8 bits are all assumed to be 0 (H'00). Register Indirect with Displacement—@(d:16, ERn) or @(d:32, ERn): A 16-bit or 32-bit displacement contained in the instruction is added to an address register (ERn) specified by the register field of the instruction, and the sum gives the address of a memory operand. A 16-bit displacement is sign-extended when added. Register Indirect with Post-Increment or Pre-Decrement—@ERn+ or @-ERn: • Register indirect with post-increment—@ERn+ The register field of the instruction code specifies an address register (ERn) which contains the address of a memory operand. After the operand is accessed, 1, 2, or 4 is added to the address register contents and the sum is stored in the address register. The value added is 1 for byte access, 2 for word access, or 4 for longword access. For word or longword access, the register value should be even. • Register indirect with pre-decrement—@-ERn The value 1, 2, or 4 is subtracted from an address register (ERn) specified by the register field in the instruction code, and the result becomes the address of a memory operand. The result is also stored in the address register. The value subtracted is 1 for byte access, 2 for word access, or 4 for longword access. For word or longword access, the register value should be even. |
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