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HD6432126R Datasheet(PDF) 80 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
HD6432126R Datasheet(HTML) 80 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
80 / 843 page 56 op op rn rm NOP, RTS, etc. ADD.B Rn, Rm, etc. MOV.B @(d:16, Rn), Rm, etc. (1) Operation field only (2) Operation field and register fields (3) Operation field, register fields, and effective address extension rn rm op EA (disp) (4) Operation field, effective address extension, and condition field op cc EA (disp) BRA d:16, etc Figure 2.12 Instruction Formats (Examples) 2.6.5 Notes on Use of Bit-Manipulation Instructions The BSET, BCLR, BNOT, BST, and BIST instructions read a byte of data, carry out bit manipulation, then write back the byte of data. Caution is therefore required when using these instructions on a register containing write-only bits, or a port. The BCLR instruction can be used to clear internal I/O register flags to 0. In this case, the relevant flag need not be read beforehand if it is clear that it has been set to 1 in an interrupt handling routine, etc. 2.7 Addressing Modes and Effective Address Calculation 2.7.1 Addressing Mode The CPU supports the eight addressing modes listed in table 2.4. Each instruction uses a subset of these addressing modes. Arithmetic and logic instructions can use the register direct and immediate modes. Data transfer instructions can use all addressing modes except program-counter relative and memory indirect. Bit-manipulation instructions use register direct, register indirect, or absolute addressing mode to specify an operand, and register direct (BSET, BCLR, BNOT, and BTST instructions) or immediate (3-bit) addressing mode to specify a bit number in the operand. |
Similar Part No. - HD6432126R |
Similar Description - HD6432126R |
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