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M37151M6 Datasheet(PDF) 100 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
M37151M6 Datasheet(HTML) 100 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
100 / 138 page M37151M6/M8/MA/MC/MF-XXXFP, M37151EFFP Rev.1.00 Nov 01, 2002 page 100 of 136 REJ03B0129-0100Z Max. 30 45 200 2 100 10 0.4 3.0 0.4 0.6 1.3 5 5 130 VCC = 5.5V, f(XIN) = 8 MHz VCC = 5.5V, f(XIN) = 0, f(XCIN) = 32kHz, OSD OFF, Data slicer OFF, Low-power dissipation mode set (CM5 = “0”, CM6 = “1”) VCC = 5.5 V, f(XIN) = 8 MHz VCC = 5.5 V, f(XIN) = 0, f(XCIN) = 32 kHz, Low-power dissipation mode set (CM5 = “0”, CM6 = “1”) VCC = 5.5V, f(XIN) = 0, f(XCIN) = 0 VCC = 4.5 V IOH = –0.5 mA VCC = 4.5 V IOL = 0.5 mA VCC = 4.5 V IOL = 10.0 mA VCC = 4.5 V VCC = 5.0 V VCC = 5.5 V VI = 5.5 V VCC = 5.5 V VI = 0 V VCC = 4.5 V 12. ELECTRIC CHARACTERISTICS (VCC = 5 V ± 10 %, VSS = 0 V, f(XIN) = 8 MHz, Ta = –10 °C to 70 °C, unless otherwise noted) Notes 1: The total current that flows out of the IC must be 20 mA or less. 2: The total input current to IC (IOL1 + IOL2) must be 30 mA or less. 3: The total average input current for ports P24–P27 and AVCC–VSS to IC must be 20 mA or less. 4: Connect 0.1 µF or more capacitor externally between the power source pins VCC–VSS so as to reduce power source noise. Also connect 0.1 µF or more capacitor externally between the pins VCC–CNVSS. 5: P06, P07, P16, P23, P24, P25 have hysteresis when used as interrupt input pins or timer input pins. P11–P14, P30, P31 have hysteresis when used as multi- master I2C-BUS interface ports. P20–P22 have hysteresis when used as serial I/O pins. 6: Pin names in each parameter are described as below. (1) Dedicated pins: dedicated pin names. (2) Double-/triple-function ports • Same limits: I/O port name. • Functions other than ports vary from I/O port limits: function pin name. HIGH output voltage P10–P16, P20–P27, P30, P31, P52–P55, LOW output voltage P00–P07, P10, P15, P16, P20–P23, P52–P55 LOW output voltage P24– P27 LOW output voltage P11–P14, P30, P32 Hysteresis (See note 6) ____________ RESET, P50, P51, INT1, INT2, INT3, TIM2, TIM3, SIN, SCLK, SCL1, SCL2, SCL3, SDA1, SDA2, SDA3 HIGH input leak current P00–P07, P10–P16, P20–P27, ____________ P30, P31, RESET, P50, P51, HIGH input leak current P00–P07, P10–P16, P20–P27, P30, ____________ P31, P50, P51, RESET I2C-BUS • BUS switch connection resistor (between SCL1 and SCL2, SDA1 and SDA2) ICC Symbol Parametear Test conditions OSD OFF Data slicer OFF OSD ON Data slicer ON Stop mode Wait mode System operation Power source current VOH VOL VT+ –VT– IIZH IIZL RBS Test circuit 1 Min. 2.4 Limits IOL = 3 mA IOL = 6 mA Typ. 15 30 60 1 25 1 0.5 2 3 4 5 4 Unit mA µA mA µA V V V µA µA Ω |
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