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M37151M6 Datasheet(PDF) 74 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
M37151M6 Datasheet(HTML) 74 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
74 / 138 page M37151M6/M8/MA/MC/MF-XXXFP, M37151EFFP Rev.1.00 Nov 01, 2002 page 74 of 136 REJ03B0129-0100Z Notes 1 : The 80-byte addresses corresponding to the character code “7F16” and “8016” in the OSD ROM are the test data storing area. Set data to the area as follows. <Test data storing area> addresses 1100016 + (4 + 2n) ✕ 10016 + FE16 to 1100016 + (5 + 2n) ✕ 10016 + 0116 (n = 0 to 19) (1)Mask version (M37151M6/M8/MA/MC/MF-XXXFP) Set “FF16” to the area (This sample has test data in this area but the actual product will have different data.) When using our font editor, the test data is written automatically. (2)EPROM version (M37151EFFP) Set the test data to the area. When using our font editor, the test data is written automatically. 1150016 (9016), 1150116 (A116) 1170016 (0016), 1170116 (A216) 1190016 (4816), 1190116 (A316) 11B0016 (0016), 11B0116 (A416) 11D0016 (2416), 11D0116 (A516) 11F0016 (0016), 11F0116 (A616) 1210016 (1216), 1210116 (A716) 1230016 (0016), 1230116 (A816) 1250016 (0916), 1250116 (A916) 1270016 (0016), 1270116 (AA16) 1290016 (8116), 1290116 (AB16) 12B0016 (1816), 12B0116 (AC16) 12D0016 (0016), 12D0116 (AD16) 12F0016 (4216), 12F0116 (AE16) 1310016 (2416), 1310116 (AF16) 1330016 (0016), 1330116 (B016) 1350016 (8116), 1350116 (B116) 1370016 (0C16), 1370116 (B216) 1390016 (0616), 1390116 (B316) 13B0016 (0016), 13B0116 (B416) 2 : The character code “0916” is used for “transparent space” when displaying Closed Caption. Therefore, set “0016” to the 40-byte addresses corresponding to the character code “0916.” <Transparent space font data storing area> addresses 1100016 + (4 + 2n) ✕ 10016 + 1216 to 1100016 + (4 + 2n) ✕ 10016 + 1316 (n = 0 to 19) addresses 1141216 and 1141316 addresses 1161216 and 1161316 addresses 1381216 and 1381316 addresses 13A1216 and 13A1316 114FE16 (0916), 114FF16 (5116) 116FE16 (0016), 116FF16 (5216) 118FE16 (1216), 118FF16 (5316) 11AFE16 (0016), 11AFF16 (5416) 11CFE16 (2416), 11CFF16 (5516) 11EFE16 (0016), 11EFF16 (5616) 120FE16 (8816), 120FF16 (5716) 122FE16 (0016), 122FF16 (5816) 124FE16 (9016), 124FF16 (5916) 126FE16 (4816), 126FF16 (5A16) 128FE16 (2416), 128FF16 (5B16) 12AFE16 (0016), 12AFF16 (5C16) 12CFE16 (2416), 12CFF16 (5D16) 12EFE16 (4816), 12EFF16 (5E16) 130FE16 (0016), 130FF16 (5F16) 132FE16 (4816), 132FF16 (5016) 134FE16 (9016), 134FF16 (5116) 136FE16 (0016), 136FF16 (5216) 138FE16 (0116), 138FF16 (5316) 13AFE16 (8016), 13AFF16 (5416) <“7F16”> address (test data) sM37151EFFP <“8016”> address (test data) |
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