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HN58X2532IAG Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
HN58X2532IAG Datasheet(HTML) 9 Page - Renesas Technology Corp |
9 / 22 page HN58X2532IAG/HN58X2564IAG Functional Description Status Register The following figure shows the Status Register Format. The Status Register contains a number of status and control bits that can be read or set (as appropriate) by specific instructions. Status Register Format SRWD 0 0 0 BP1 BP0 WEL WIP b7 Status Register Write Disable Block Protect Bits Write Enable Latch Bits Write In Progress Bits b0 WIP bit: The Write In Progress (WIP) bit indicates whether the memory is busy with a Write or Write Status Register cycle. WEL bit: The Write Enable Latch (WEL) bit indicates the status of the internal Write Enable Latch. BP1, BP0 bits: The Block Protect (BP1, BP0) bits are non-volatile. They define the size of the area to be software protected against Write instructions. SRWD bit: The Status Register Write Disable (SRWD) bit is operated in conjunction with the write protect ( W) signal. The Status Register Write Disable (SRWD) bit and write protect ( W) signal allow the device to be put in the Hardware Protected mode. In this mode, the non-volatile bits of the Status Register (SRWD, BP1, BP0) become read-only bits. Instructions Each instruction starts with a single-byte code, as summarized in the following table. If an invalid instruction is sent (one not contained in the following table), the device automatically deselects itself. Instruction Set Instruction Description Instruction Format WREN Write Enable 0000 0110 WRDI Write Disable 0000 0100 RDSR Read Status Register 0000 0101 WRSR Write Status Register 0000 0001 READ Read from Memory Array 0000 0011 WRITE Write to Memory Array 0000 0010 Rev.1.00, Nov.16.2006, page 9 of 20 |
Similar Part No. - HN58X2532IAG |
Similar Description - HN58X2532IAG |
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