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GS9090B Datasheet(PDF) 32 Page - Gennum Corporation

Part # GS9090B
Description  GenLINX짰 III 270Mb/s Deserializer for SDI
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Manufacturer  GENNUM [Gennum Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.gennum.com
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GS9090B Data Sheet
40749 - 2
January 2007
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3.9 Additional Processing Features
The GS9090B contains additional processing features that are available in SMPTE
mode only (see Section 3.6).
3.9.1 FIFO Load Pulse
To aid in the implementation of auto-phasing and line synchronization functions,
the GS9090B will generate a FIFO load pulse to reset line-based FIFO storage.
This FIFO_LD signal is available for output on one of the multi-function output port
pins, if so programmed (see Section 3.12).
The FIFO_LD pulse is an active LOW signal which will assert LOW for one PCLK
period, generating a FIFO write reset signal. This signal is co-timed to the SAV XYZ
code word present on the output data bus. This ensures that the next PCLK cycle
will correspond with the first active sample of the video line.
NOTE: When the internal FIFO of the GS9090B is set to operate in video mode,
the FIFO_LD pulse can be used to drive the RD_RESET input to the device (see
Section 3.10.1).
Figure 3-6 shows the default timing relationship between the FIFO_LD signal and
the output video data.
Figure 3-6: FIFO_LD Pulse Timing Programmable FIFO Load Position
The position of the FIFO_LD pulse can be moved in PCLK increments from its
default position at the SAV XYZ code word to a maximum of one full line from the
default position. The offset number of PCLK's must be programmed in the
FIFO_LD_POSITION[12:0] internal register (address 28h), via the host interface.
The FIFO_LD_POSITION[12:0] register is designed to accommodate the longest
SD line length. If a value greater than the maximum line length at the operating SD
standard is programmed in this register, the FIFO_LD pulse will not be generated.
After a device reset, the FIFO_LD_POSITION[12:0] register is set to zero and the
FIFO_LD pulse will assume the default timing.

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