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MC13110A Datasheet(PDF) 17 Page - Motorola, Inc |
MC13110A Datasheet(HTML) 17 Page - Motorola, Inc |
17 / 68 page MC13110A/B MC13111A/B 17 MOTOROLA ANALOG IC DEVICE DATA DEVICE DESCRIPTION AND APPLICATION INFORMATION The following text, graphics, tables and schematics are provided to the user as a source of valuable technical information about the Universal Cordless Telephone IC. This information originates from thorough evaluation of the device performance for the US and French applications. This data was obtained by using units from typical wafer lots. It is important to note that the forgoing data and information was from a limited number of units. By no means is the user to assume that the data following is a guaranteed parametric. Only the minimum and maximum limits identified in the electrical characteristics tables found earlier in this spec are guaranteed. General Circuit Description The MC13110A/B and MC13111A/B are a low power dual conversion narrowband FM receiver designed for applications up to 80 MHz carrier frequency. This device is primarily designated to be used for the 49 MHz cordless phone (CT–0), but has other applications such as low data rate narrowband data links and as a backend device for 900 MHz systems where baseband analog processing is required. This device contains a first and second mixer, limiter, demodulator, extended range receive signal strength (RSSI), receive and transmit baseband processing, dual programmable PLL, low battery detect, and serial interface for microprocessor control. The FM receiver can also be used with either a quadrature coil or ceramic resonator. Refer to the Pin Function Description table for the simplified internal circuit schematic and description of this device. DC Current and Battery Detect Figures 3 through 6 are the current consumption for Inactive, Standby, Receive, and Active modes versus supply voltages. Figures 7 and 8 show the typical behavior of current consumption in relation to temperature. The relationship of additional current draw due to IP3 bit set to <1> and supply voltage are shown in Figures 9 and 10. For the Low Battery Detect, the user has the option to operate the IC in the programmable or non–programmable modes. Note that the 48 pin package can only be used in the programmable mode. Figure 128 describes this operation (refer to the Serial Interface section under Clock Divider Register). In the programmable mode several different internal threshold levels are available (Figure 2). The bits are set through the SCF Clock Divider Register as shown in Figures 108 and 126. The reference for the internal divider network is VCC Audio. The voltages on the internal divider network are compared to the Internal Reference Voltage, VB, generated by an internal source. Since the internal comparator used is non–inverting, a high at VCC Audio will yield a high at the battery detect output, and vice versa for VCC Audio set to a low level. For the 52 pin package option, the Ref 1 and Ref 2 pins need to be tied to VCC when used in the programmable mode. It is essential to keep the external reference pins above Gnd to prevent any possible power–on reset to be activated. When considering the non–programmable mode (bits set to <000>) for the 52 pin package, the Ref 1 and Ref 2 pins become the comparators reference. An internal switch is activated when the non–programmable mode is chosen connecting Ref 1 and Ref 2. Here, two external precision resistor dividers are used to set independent thresholds for two battery detect hysteresis comparators. The voltages on Ref 1 and Ref 2 are again compared to the internally generated 1.5 V reference voltage (VB). The Low Battery Detect threshold tolerance can be improved by adjusting a trim–pot in the external resistor divider (user designed). The initial tolerance of the internal reference voltage (VB) is ±6.0%. Alternately, the tolerance of the internal reference voltage can be improved to ±1.5% through MPU serial interface programming (refer to the Serial Interface section, Figure 131). The internal reference can be measured directly at the “VB” pin. During final test of the telephone, the VB internal reference voltage is measured. Then, the internal reference voltage value is adjusted electronically through the MPU serial interface to achieve the desired accuracy level. The voltage reference register value should be stored in ROM during final test so that it can be reloaded each time the combo IC is powered up. The Low Battery Detect outputs are open collector. The battery detect levels will depend on the accuracy of the VB voltage. Figure 12 indicates that the VB voltage is fairly flat over temperature. Figure 2. Internal Low Battery Detect Levels (with VB = 1.5 V) Battery Detect Select Ramping Up (V) Ramping Down (V) Average (V) Hysteresis (mV) 0 – – – – 1 2.867 2.861 2.864 4.0 2 2.953 2.947 2.950 6.0 3 3.039 3.031 3.035 8.0 4 3.207 3.199 3.204 8.0 5 3.291 3.285 3.288 6.0 6 3.375 3.367 3.371 8.0 7 3.461 3.453 3.457 8.0 NOTE: 10. Battery Detect Select 0 is the non–programmable operating mode. |
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