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MC13110A Datasheet(PDF) 43 Page - Motorola, Inc |
MC13110A Datasheet(HTML) 43 Page - Motorola, Inc |
43 / 68 page MC13110A/B MC13111A/B 43 MOTOROLA ANALOG IC DEVICE DATA The K–factor shown determines how far the additional pole frequency will be separated from wp. Selecting too small of a K–factor, the equations may provide negative capacitance or resistor values. Too large of a K–factor may not provide the maximum attenuation. By selecting R3 to be 100 k Ω, C3 becomes known and C1 and C2 can be solved from the equations. By using equations (8) and (7), time constants T2 and T1 can be derived by selecting a phase margin. Finally, R2 follows from T2 and C2. The following pages, the loopfilter components are determined for both handset and baseset the US application based on the equations described. Choose K to be approximately five times wp (5.0wp). In an application, wp is chosen to be 20 times less than the reference frequency of 5.0 kHz and the phase margin has been set to 45 degrees. This provides a lock time according to (9) of about 2.0 ms (order of magnitude). With the adjacent channels spaced at least 15 kHz away, reference feedthrough at wp will not be directly disastrous but still, the additional pole may be added in the loopfilter design for added safety. In an application, wp is chosen to be 20 times less than the reference frequency of 5.0 kHz and the phase margin has been set to 45 degrees. This provides a lock time according to (9) of about 2.0 ms (order of magnitude). With the adjacent channels spaced at least 15 kHz away, reference feedthrough at wp will not be directly disastrous but still, the additional pole may be added in the loopfilter design for added safety. Figure 101. Open Loop Response Handset US with Selected Values f, FREQUENCY (Hz) Phase Margin 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 –80 –40 0 40 80 0 20 40 60 80 Loop Gain From Phase Detector To VCO 22 k .068 6800 1000 100 k Figure 102. Open Loop Response Baseset US with Selected Values From Phase Detector To VCO 18 k .082 8200 1000 100 k f, FREQUENCY (Hz) Phase Margin 100 1000 10000 100000 1000000 –80 –40 0 40 80 0 20 40 60 80 Loop Gain Figure 103. Handset US Conditions L = 470 uH Fref = 5.0 kHz RF = 46.77 MHz Qp = 45 degrees VCO center = 36.075 MHz wp = wref / 20 radians Results Equations Select Kpd = 159.2 uA/rad KVCO = 3.56 Mrad/V (14), (15) T2 = 1540 µs (8) T1 = 264 µs (7) T3 = 91 µs with K = 7 C1 = 7.6 nF (21) C1 = 6.8 nF C2 = 70.9 nF (20) C2 = 68 nF R2 = 21.7 k Ω (18) R2 = 22 k Ω R3 = 100 k Ω choose: R3 = 100 k Ω C3 = 909.5 pF (19) C3 = 1 nf Figure 104. Baseset US Conditions L = 470 uH Fref = 5.0 kHz RF = 49.83 MHz Qp = 45 degrees VCO center = 39.135 MHz wp = wref / 20 radians Results Equations Select Kpd = 159.2 uA/rad KVCO = 4.54 Mrad/V (14), (15) T2 = 1540 µs (8) T1 = 264 µs (7) T3 = 91 µs with K = 7 C1 = 9.1 nF (21) C1 = 8.2 nF C2 = 83.5 nF (20) C2 = 82 nF R2 = 18.4 k Ω (18) R2 = 18 k Ω R3 = 100 k Ω choose: R3 = 100 k Ω C3 = 909.5 pF (19) C3 = 1 nf |
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