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STK14C88 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Simtek Corporation

Part # STK14C88
Description  32Kx8 AutoStore nvSRAM
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Manufacturer  SIMTEK [Simtek Corporation]
Direct Link  http://www.simtek.com
Logo SIMTEK - Simtek Corporation

STK14C88 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Simtek Corporation

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Feb, 2008
Document Control #ML0014 Rev 2.0
A software RECALL cycle is initiated with a sequence
of READ operations in a manner similar to the soft-
ware STORE initiation. To initiate the RECALL cycle,
the following sequence of E controlled READ opera-
tions must be performed:
Read address
0E38 (hex)
Valid READ
Read address
31C7 (hex)
Valid READ
Read address
03E0 (hex)
Valid READ
Read address
3C1F (hex)
Valid READ
Read address
303F (hex)
Valid READ
Read address
0C63 (hex)
Initiate RECALL cycle
Internally, RECALL is a two-step procedure. First, the
data is cleared, and second, the nonvolatile
information is transferred into the SRAM cells. After
the t
RECALL cycle time the SRAM will once again be
ready for READ and WRITE operations. The RECALL
operation in no way alters the data in the nonvolatile
elements. The nonvolatile data can be recalled an
unlimited number of times.
AutoStore MODE
The STK14C88 can be powered in one of three
During normal AutoStore operation, the STK14C88
will draw current from V
CC to charge a capacitor con-
nected to the V
CAP pin. This stored charge will be
used by the chip to perform a single STORE opera-
tion. After power up, when the voltage on the V
pin drops below V
SWITCH, the part will automatically
disconnect the V
pin from V
and initiate a
Figure 1 shows the proper connection of capacitors
for automatic store operation. A charge storage
capacitor having a capacity of between 68
μF and
μF (± 20%) rated at 6V should be provided.
In system power mode, both V
CC and VCAP are con-
nected to the + 5V power supply without the 68
capacitor. In this mode the AutoStore function of the
STK14C88 will operate on the stored system charge
as power goes down. The user must, however,
guarantee that V
CC does not drop below 3.6V during
the 10ms STORE cycle.
If an automatic STORE on power loss is not required,
then V
CC can be tied to ground and + 5V applied to
CAP (Figure 2). This is the AutoStore Inhibit mode,
in which the AutoStore function is disabled. If the
STK14C88 is operated in this configuration, refer-
ences to V
CC should be changed to VCAP throughout
this data sheet. In this mode, STORE operations may
be triggered through software control or the HSB
pin. To enable or disable AutoStore using an IO port
pin, see “PREVENTING STORES” on page 12.
In order to prevent unneeded STORE operations,
automatic STOREs as well as those initiated by
externally driving HSB low will be ignored unless at
least one WRITE operation has taken place since the
most recent STORE or RECALL cycle. Software-
initiated STORE cycles are performed regardless of
whether a WRITE operation has taken place.
If the power supply drops faster than 20
before V
CC reaches VSWITCH, then a 2.2 ohm resistor
should be inserted between V
CC and the system sup-
ply to avoid momentary excess of current between
Vcc and Vcap.
Figure 1: AutoStore Mode

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