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M9346-BN3T Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - STMicroelectronics |
M9346-BN3T Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - STMicroelectronics |
15 / 34 page 15/34 M93S66, M93S56, M93S46 ing the Protection Register Write (PRWRITE) in- struction. When the OTP bit is set, the Ready/Busy status cannot appear on Serial Data Output (Q). When the OTP bit is not set, the Busy status ap- pears on Serial Data Output (Q). Note: A Protection Register Enable (PREN) in- struction must immediately precede the Protection Register Disable (PRDS) instruction. COMMON I/O OPERATION Serial Data Output (Q) and Serial Data Input (D) can be connected together, through a current lim- iting resistor, to form a common, single-wire data bus. Some precautions must be taken when oper- ating the memory in this way, mostly to prevent a short circuit current from flowing when the last ad- dress bit (A0) clashes with the first data bit on Se- rial Data Output (Q). Please see the application note AN394 for details. Figure 8. Write Sequence with One Clock Glitch CLOCK PULSE COUNTER In a noisy environment, the number of pulses re- ceived on Serial Clock (C) may be greater than the number delivered by the Bus Master (the micro- controller). This can lead to a misalignment of the instruction of one or more bits (as shown in Figure 8.) and may lead to the writing of erroneous data at an erroneous address. To combat this problem, the M93Sx6 has an on- chip counter that counts the clock pulses from the start bit until the falling edge of the Chip Select In- put (S). If the number of clock pulses received is not the number expected, the WRITE, PAWRITE, WRALL, PRWRITE or PRCLEAR instruction is aborted, and the contents of the memory are not modified. The number of clock cycles expected for each in- struction, and for each member of the M93Sx6 family, are summarized in Table 2. to Table 3.. For example, a Write Data to Memory (WRITE) in- struction on the M93S56 (or M93S66) expects 27 clock cycles from the start bit to the falling edge of Chip Select Input (S). That is: 1 Start bit + 2 Op-code bits + 8 Address bits + 16 Data bits AI01395 S An-1 C D WRITE START D0 "1" "0" An Glitch An-2 ADDRESS AND DATA ARE SHIFTED BY ONE BIT |
Similar Part No. - M9346-BN3T |
Similar Description - M9346-BN3T |
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