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M58CR064C Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - STMicroelectronics

Part # M58CR064C
Description  64 Mbit 4Mb x 16, Dual Bank, Burst 1.8V Supply Flash Memory
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Manufacturer  STMICROELECTRONICS [STMicroelectronics]
Direct Link  http://www.st.com
Logo STMICROELECTRONICS - STMicroelectronics

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M58CR064C, M58CR064D, M58CR064P, M58CR064Q
See Figure 2 Logic Diagram and Table 1,Signal
Names, for a brief overview of the signals connect-
ed to this device.
Address Inputs (A0-A21). The Address Inputs
select the cells in the memory array to access dur-
ing Bus Read operations. During Bus Write opera-
tions they control the commands sent to the
Command Interface of the internal state machine.
Data Input/Output (DQ0-DQ15). The Data I/O
outputs the data stored at the selected address
during a Bus Read operation or inputs a command
or the data to be programmed during a Bus Write
Chip Enable (E). The Chip Enable input acti-
vates the memory control logic, input buffers, de-
coders and sense amplifiers. When Chip Enable is
at VILand Reset/Power-Down is at VIH the device
is in active mode. When Chip Enable is at VIH the
memory is deselected, the outputs are high imped-
ance and the power consumption is reduced to the
stand-by level.
Output Enable (G). The Output Enable controls
the outputs during the Bus Read operation of the
Write Enable (W). The Write Enable controls the
Bus Write operation of the memory’s Command
Interface. The data and address inputs are latched
on the rising edge of Chip Enable or Write Enable
whichever occurs first.
Write Protect (WP). Write Protect is an input
that gives an additional hardware protection for
each block. When Write Protect is at VIL, the Lock-
Down is enabled and the protection status of the
Locked-Down blocks cannot be changed. When
Write Protect is at VIH, the Lock-Down is disabled
and the Locked-Down blocks can be locked or un-
locked. (refer to Table 13, Lock Status).
Reset/Power-Down (RP). The
Down input provides a hardware reset of the mem-
ory, and/or Power-Down functions, depending on
the Configuration Register status. When Reset/
Power-Down is at VIL, the memory is in reset
mode: the outputs are high impedance and if the
Power-Down function is enabled the current con-
sumption is reduced to the Reset Supply Current
IDD2. Refer to Table 18, DC Characteristics - Cur-
rents for the value of IDD2. After Reset all blocks
are in the Locked state and the Configuration Reg-
ister is reset. When Reset/Power-Down is at VIH,
the device is in normal operation. Exiting reset
mode the device enters asynchronous read mode,
but a negative transition of Chip Enable or Latch
Enable is required to ensure valid data outputs.
The Reset/Power-Down pin can be interfaced with
3V logic without any additional circuitry. It can be
tied to VRPH (refer to Table 19, DC Characteris-
Latch Enable (L). Latch Enable latches the ad-
dress bits on its rising edge. The address latch is
transparent when Latch Enable is at VIL and it is in-
hibited when Latch Enable is at VIH. Latch Enable
can be kept Low (also at board level) when the
Latch Enable function is not required or supported.
Clock (K). The clock input synchronizes the
memory to the microcontroller during synchronous
read operations; the address is latched on a Clock
edge (rising or falling, according to the configura-
tion settings) when Latch Enable is at VIL. Clock is
don't care during asynchronous read and in write
Wait (WAIT). Wait is an output signal used during
synchronous read to indicate whether the data on
the output bus are valid. This output is high imped-
ance when Chip Enable or Output Enable are at
VIH or Reset/Power-Down is at VIL. It can be con-
figured to be active during the wait cycle or one
clock cycle in advance.
VDD Supply Voltage. VDD provides the power
supply to the internal core of the memory device.
It is the main power supply for all operations
(Read, Program and Erase).
VDDQ Supply Voltage. VDDQ provides the power
supply to the I/O pins and enables all Outputs to
be powered independently from VDD. VDDQ can be
tied to VDD or can use a separate supply.
VPP Program Supply Voltage. VPP is both a
M58CR064C/D the two functions are selected by
the voltage range applied to the pin. In the
M58CR064P/Q the control feature is disabled.
In M58CR064C/D if VPP is kept in a low voltage
range (0V to VDDQ) VPP is seen as a control input.
In this case a voltage lower than VPPLK gives an
absolute protection against program or erase,
while VPP > VPP1 enables these functions (see Ta-
bles 18 and 19, DC Characteristics for the relevant
values). VPP is only sampled at the beginning of a
program or erase; a change in its value after the
operation has started does not have any effect and
program or erase operations continue.
If VPP is in the range of VPPH it acts as a power
supply pin. In this condition VPP must be stable un-
til the Program/Erase algorithm is completed.
VSS Ground. VSS ground is the reference for the
core supply. It must be connected to the system
VSSQ Ground. VSSQ ground is the reference for
the input/output circuitry driven by VDDQ. VSSQ
must be connected to VSS

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