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M58CR032C Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - STMicroelectronics |
M58CR032C Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - STMicroelectronics |
15 / 63 page 15/63 M58CR032C, M58CR032D Burst Configuration Register The Burst Configuration Register is used to config- ure the type of bus access that the memory will perform. The Burst Configuration Register is set through the Command Interface. After a Reset or Power- Up the device is configured for asynchronous page read (M15 = 1) and the power save function is disabled (M10 = 0). The Burst Configuration Register bits are described in Table 4. They spec- ify the selection of the burst length, burst type, burst X latency and the Read operation. Refer to Figures 7 and 8 for examples of synchronous burst configurations. Read Select Bit (M15). The Read Select bit, M15, is used to switch between asynchronous and synchronous Bus Read operations. When the Read Select bit is set to ’1’, Bus Read operations are asynchronous; when the Read Select but is set to ’0’, Bus Read operations are synchronous. Synchronous Burst Read is supported in both pa- rameter and main blocks and can be performed across banks. On reset or power-up the Read Select bit is set to’1’ for asynchronous access. X-Latency Bits (M13-M11). The X-Latency bits are used during Synchronous Bus Read opera- tions to set the number of clock cycles between the address being latched and the first data be- coming available. For correct operation the X-La- tency bits can only assume the values in Table 4, Burst Configuration Register. The correspondence between X-Latency settings and the maximum sustainable frequency must be calculated taking into account some system pa- rameters. Two conditions must be satisfied: –(n + 1) tK ≥ tACC - tAVK_CPU + tQVK_CPU –tK > tKQV + tQVK_CPU where "n" is the chosen X-Latency configuration code, tK is the clock period, tAVK_CPU is Clock to Address Valid, L Low or E Low, whichever occurs last, and tQVK_CPU is the data setup time required by the system CPU. Power-Down Bit (M10). The Power-Down bit is used to enable or disable the power-down func- tion. When the Power-Down bit is set to ‘0’ (de- fault) the power-down function is disabled. When the Power-Down bit is set to ‘1’ power-down is en- abled and the device goes into the power-down state where the IDD supply current is reduced to a typical figure of IDD2. if this function is disabled the Reset/Power-Down, RP, pin causes only a reset of the device and the supply current is the standby value. The recovery time after a Reset/Power-Down, RP, pulse is sig- nificantly longer when power-down is enabled (see Table 25). Wait Bit (M8). In burst mode the Wait bit controls the timing of the Wait output pin, WAIT. When the Wait bit is ’0’ the Wait output pin is asserted during the wait state. When the Wait bit is ’1’ (default) the Wait output pin is asserted one clock cycle before the wait state. WAIT is asserted during a continuous burst and also during a 4 or 8 burst length if no-wrap config- uration is selected. WAIT is not asserted during asynchronous reads, single synchronous reads or during latency in synchronous reads. Burst Type Bit (M7). The Burst Type bit is used to configure the sequence of addresses read as sequential or interleaved. When the Burst Type bit is ’0’ the memory outputs from interleaved ad- dresses; when the Burst Type bit is ’1’ (default) the memory outputs from sequential addresses. See Tables 5, Burst Type Definition, for the sequence of addresses output from a given starting address in each mode. Valid Clock Edge Bit (M6). The Valid Clock Edge bit, M6, is used to configure the active edge of the Clock, K, during Synchronous Burst Read operations. When the Valid Clock Edge bit is ’0’ the falling edge of the Clock is the active edge; when the Valid Clock Edge bit is ’1’ the rising edge of the Clock is active. Wrap Burst Bit (M3). The burst reads can be confined inside the 4 or 8 Double-Word boundary (wrap) or overcome the boundary (no wrap). The Wrap Burst bit is used to select between wrap and no wrap. When the Wrap Burst bit is set to ‘0’ the burst read wraps; when it is set to ‘1’ the burst read does not wrap. Burst length Bits (M2-M0). The Burst Length bits set the number of Words to be output during a Synchronous Burst Read operation; 4 words, 8 words or continuous burst, where all the words are read sequentially. In continuous burst mode the burst sequence can cross bank boundaries. In continuous burst mode or in 4, 8 words no-wrap, depending on the starting address, the device ac- tivates the WAIT output to indicate that a delay is necessary before the data is output. If the starting address is aligned to a 4 word boundary no wait states are needed and the WAIT output is not activated. If the starting address is shifted by 1,2 or 3 posi- tions from the four word boundary, WAIT will be asserted for 1, 2 or 3 clock cycles when the burst sequence crosses the first 64 word boundary, to indicate that the device needs an internal delay to read the successive words in the array. WAIT will |
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