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MB90330A Datasheet(PDF) 32 Page - Fujitsu Component Limited.

Part # MB90330A
Description  16-bit Microcontroller
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Manufacturer  FUJITSU [Fujitsu Component Limited.]
Direct Link  http://edevice.fujitsu.com/fmd/en/index.html
Logo FUJITSU - Fujitsu Component Limited.

MB90330A Datasheet(HTML) 32 Page - Fujitsu Component Limited.

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MB90330A Series
: Available, EI2OS stop function provided (The interrupt request flag is cleared by the interrupt clear signal.
With a stop request).
: Available (The interrupt request flag is cleared by the interrupt clear signal.)
: Available when any interrupt source sharing ICR is not used.
× : Unavailable
*1 : If the same level interrupt is output simultaneously, the lower interrupt factor of interrupt vector number has priority.
*2 : ch.2 and 3 can also be used during Mini-HOST operation.
Notes :
• If the same interrupt control register (ICR) has two interrupt factors and the use of the EI2OS is permitted,
the EI2OS is activated when either of the factors is detected. As any interrupt other than the activation
factor is masked while the EI2OS is running, it is recommended that you should mask either of the interrupt
requests when using the EI2OS.
• The interrupt flag is cleared by the EI2OS interrupt clear signal for the resource that has two interrupt
factors in the same interrupt control register (ICR).
• If a resource has two interrupt sources for the same interrupt number, both of the interrupt request flags are
cleared by the
µDMAC interrupt clear signal. Therefore, when you use either of two interrupt factors for the
DMAC function, another interrupt function is disabled. Set the interrupt request permission bit to “0” in the
appropriate resource, and take measures by software polling.
• Content of USB interruption factor
* : Endpoints 1 and 2 can also be used during Mini-HOST operation.
USB interrupt factor
USB function 1
End Point0-IN End Point0-OUT
USB function 2
End Point1-5 *
USB function 3
USB function 4

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