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MB90330A Datasheet(PDF) 31 Page - Fujitsu Component Limited. |
MB90330A Datasheet(HTML) 31 Page - Fujitsu Component Limited. |
31 / 120 page MB90330A Series 31 ■ INTERRUPT SOURCES, INTERRUPT VECTORS, AND INTERRUPT CONTROL REGISTERS (Continued) Interrupt source EI2OS support µ DMAC Interrupt vector Interrupt control register Priority Number*1 Address ICR Address Reset × × #08 08H FFFFDCH ⎯⎯ High INT 9 instruction × × #09 09H FFFFD8H ⎯⎯ Exceptional treatment × × #10 0AH FFFFD4H ⎯⎯ USB Function1 × 0, 1 #11 0BH FFFFD0H ICR00 0000B0H USB Function2 × 2 to 6*2 #12 0CH FFFFCCH USB Function3 × × #13 0DH FFFFC8H ICR01 0000B1H USB Function4 × × #14 0EH FFFFC4H USB Mini-HOST1 × × #15 0FH FFFFC0H ICR02 0000B2H USB Mini-HOST2 × × #16 10H FFFFBCH I2C ch.0 × × #17 11H FFFFB8H ICR03 0000B3H DTP/External interrupt ch.0/ch.1 × #18 12H FFFFB4H I2C ch.1 × × #19 13H FFFFB0H ICR04 0000B4H DTP/External interrupt ch.2/ch.3 × #20 14H FFFFACH I2C ch.2 × × #21 15H FFFFA8H ICR05 0000B5H DTP/External interrupt ch.4/ch.5 × #22 16H FFFFA4H PWC/Reload timer ch.0 14 #23 17H FFFFA0H ICR06 0000B6H DTP/External interrupt ch.6/ch.7 × #24 18H FFFF9CH Input capture ch.0/ch.1 7 #25 19H FFFF98H ICR07 0000B7H Reload timer ch.1 × #26 1AH FFFF94H Input capture ch.2/ch.3 8 #27 1BH FFFF90H ICR08 0000B8H Reload timer ch.2 × #28 1CH FFFF8CH Output compare ch.0/ch.1 × #29 1DH FFFF88H ICR09 0000B9H PPG ch.0/ch.1 × × #30 1EH FFFF84H Output compare ch.2/ch.3 × #31 1FH FFFF80H ICR10 0000BAH PPG ch.2/ch.3 × × #32 20H FFFF7CH UART (Send completed) ch.2/ch.3 11 #33 21H FFFF78H ICR11 0000BBH PPG ch.4/ch.5 × × #34 22H FFFF74H UART (Reception completed) ch.2/ch.3 10 #35 23H FFFF70H ICR12 0000BCH A/D converter/Free-run timer 15 #36 24H FFFF6CH UART (Send completed) ch.0/ch.1 13 #37 25H FFFF68H ICR13 0000BDH Extended serial I/O × 9#38 26H FFFF64H UART (Reception completed) ch.0/ch.1 12 #39 27H FFFF60H ICR14 0000BEH Time-base timer/Watch timer × × #40 28H FFFF5CH Flash memory status × × #41 29H FFFF58H ICR15 0000BFH Delay interrupt output module × × #42 2AH FFFF54H Low |
Similar Part No. - MB90330A |
Similar Description - MB90330A |
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