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MB90330A Datasheet(PDF) 72 Page - Fujitsu Component Limited.

Part # MB90330A
Description  16-bit Microcontroller
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Manufacturer  FUJITSU [Fujitsu Component Limited.]
Direct Link  http://edevice.fujitsu.com/fmd/en/index.html
Logo FUJITSU - Fujitsu Component Limited.

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MB90330A Series
13. DTP/External interrupt circuit
DTP (Data Transfer Peripheral)/External interrupt circuit detects the interrupt request input from the external
interrupt input terminal (INT7 to INT0) , and outputs the interrupt request.
• DTP/External interrupt circuit function
The DTP/External interrupt function outputs an interrupt request upon detection of the edge or level signal input
to the external interrupt input pins (INT7 to INT0).
If CPU accepts the interrupt request, and if the extended intelligent I/O service (EI2OS) is enabled, branches to
the interrupt handling routine after completing the automatic data transfer (DTP function) performed by EI2OS.
And if EI2OS is disabled, it branches to the interrupt handling routine without activating the automatic data transfer
(DTP function) performed by EI2OS.
• Overview of DTP/External interrupt circuit
External interrupt
DTP function
Input pin
8 channels (P60/INT0, P61/INT1, P62/INT2/SIN, P63/INT3/SOT, P64/INT4/SCK,
P65/INT5/PWC, P66/INT6/SCL0, P67/INT7/SDA0)
Interrupt source
The detection level or the type of the edge for each terminal can be set in the
request level setting register (ELVR).
Input of H level/L level/rising edge/falling edge.
Interrupt number
#18 (12H), #20 (14H), #22 (16H), #24 (18H)
Interrupt control
Enabling/disabling the interrupt request output using the DTP/interrupt enable
register (ENIR)
Interrupt flag
Holding the interrupt causes using the DTP/interrupt cause register (EIRR)
Process setting
Disable EI2OS (ICR: ISE=“0”)
Enable EI2OS (ICR: ISE=“1”)
Branched to the interrupt handling
After an automatic data transfer by
EI2OS, branched to the interrupt
handling routine

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