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M58WR016QT Datasheet(PDF) 36 Page - Numonyx B.V

Part # M58WR016QT
Description  16 Mbit and 32 Mbit (x16, Multiple Bank, Burst) 1.8V supply Flash memories
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Manufacturer  NUMONYX [Numonyx B.V]
Direct Link  http://www.numonyx.com
Logo NUMONYX - Numonyx B.V

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Status Register
M58WR016QT, M58WR016QB, M58WR032QT, M58WR032QB
Erase Status Bit (SR5)
The Erase Status bit can be used to identify if the memory has failed to verify that the block
or bank has erased correctly. When the Erase Status bit is High (set to ‘1’), the
Program/Erase Controller has applied the maximum number of pulses to the block or bank
and still failed to verify that it has erased correctly. The Erase Status bit should be read once
the Program/Erase Controller Status bit is High (Program/Erase Controller inactive).
Once set High, the Erase Status bit can only be reset Low by a Clear Status Register
command or a hardware reset. If set High it should be reset before a new Program or Erase
command is issued, otherwise the new command will appear to fail.
Program Status Bit (SR4)
The Program Status bit is used to identify a Program failure or an attempt to program a ‘1’ to
an already programmed bit when VPP = VPPH.
When the Program Status bit is High (set to ‘1’), the Program/Erase Controller has applied
the maximum number of pulses to the byte and still failed to verify that it has programmed
After an attempt to program a '1' to an already programmed bit, the Program Status bit SR4
only goes High (set to '1') if VPP = VPPH (if VPP is different from VPPH, SR4 remains Low (set
to '0') and the attempt is not shown).
The Program Status bit should be read once the Program/Erase Controller Status bit is High
(Program/Erase Controller inactive).
Once set High, the Program Status bit can only be reset Low by a Clear Status Register
command or a hardware reset. If set High it should be reset before a new command is
issued, otherwise the new command will appear to fail.
VPP Status Bit (SR3)
The VPP Status bit can be used to identify an invalid voltage on the VPP pin during Program
and Erase operations. The VPP pin is only sampled at the beginning of a Program or Erase
operation. Indeterminate results can occur if VPP becomes invalid during an operation.
When the VPP Status bit is Low (set to ‘0’), the voltage on the VPP pin was sampled at a valid
voltage; when the VPP Status bit is High (set to ‘1’), the VPP pin has a voltage that is below
the VPP Lockout Voltage, VPPLK, the memory is protected and Program and Erase
operations cannot be performed.
Once set High, the VPP Status bit can only be reset Low by a Clear Status Register
command or a hardware reset. If set High it should be reset before a new Program or Erase
command is issued, otherwise the new command will appear to fail.

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