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M58WR064HT Datasheet(PDF) 16 Page - Numonyx B.V |
M58WR064HT Datasheet(HTML) 16 Page - Numonyx B.V |
16 / 111 page Bus operations M58WR064HT, M58WR064HB 16/111 3.5 Standby Standby disables most of the internal circuitry allowing a substantial reduction of the current consumption. The memory is in stand-by when Chip Enable and Reset are at VIH. The power consumption is reduced to the stand-by level and the outputs are set to high impedance, independently from the Output Enable or Write Enable inputs. If Chip Enable switches to VIH during a program or erase operation, the device enters Standby mode when finished. 3.6 Reset During Reset mode the memory is deselected and the outputs are high impedance. The memory is in Reset mode when Reset is at VIL. The power consumption is reduced to the Standby level, independently from the Chip Enable, Output Enable or Write Enable inputs. If Reset is pulled to VSS during a Program or Erase, this operation is aborted and the memory content is no longer valid. Table 3. Bus Operations(1) 1. X = Don't care. Operation E G W L RP WAIT(2) 2. WAIT signal polarity is configured using the Set Configuration Register command. DQ15-DQ0 Bus Read VIL VIL VIH VIL (3) 3. L can be tied to VIH if the valid address has been previously latched. VIH Data Output Bus Write VIL VIH VIL VIL (3) VIH Data Input Address Latch VIL XVIH VIL VIH Data Output or Hi-Z (4) 4. Depends on G. Output Disable VIL VIH VIH XVIH Hi-Z Standby VIH XX X VIH Hi-Z Hi-Z Reset XX XX VIL Hi-Z Hi-Z |
Similar Part No. - M58WR064HT |
Similar Description - M58WR064HT |
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