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M58WR064HT Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - Numonyx B.V

Part # M58WR064HT
Description  64 Mbit (4Mb x16, Multiple Bank, Burst) 1.8V supply Flash memories
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Manufacturer  NUMONYX [Numonyx B.V]
Direct Link  http://www.numonyx.com
Logo NUMONYX - Numonyx B.V

M58WR064HT Datasheet(HTML) 13 Page - Numonyx B.V

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Signal descriptions
Reset (RP)
The Reset input provides a hardware reset of the memory. When Reset is at VIL, the
memory is in reset mode: the outputs are high impedance and the current consumption is
reduced to the Reset Supply Current IDD2. Refer to Table 20: DC Characteristics - Currents,
for the value of IDD2. After Reset all blocks are in the Locked state and the Configuration
Register is reset. When Reset is at VIH, the device is in normal operation. Exiting reset
mode the device enters asynchronous read mode, but a negative transition of Chip Enable
or Latch Enable is required to ensure valid data outputs.
The Reset pin can be interfaced with 3V logic without any additional circuitry. It can be tied
to VRPH (refer to Table 21: DC characteristics - voltages).
Latch Enable (L)
Latch Enable latches the address bits on its rising edge. The address latch is transparent
when Latch Enable is at VIL and it is inhibited when Latch Enable is at VIH. Latch Enable can
be kept Low (also at board level) when the Latch Enable function is not required or
Clock (K)
The clock input synchronizes the memory to the microcontroller during synchronous read
operations; the address is latched on a Clock edge (rising or falling, according to the
configuration settings) when Latch Enable is at VIL. Clock is don't care during asynchronous
read and in write operations.
Wait (WAIT)
Wait is an output signal used during synchronous read to indicate whether the data on the
output bus are valid. This output is high impedance when Chip Enable is at VIH or Reset is
at VIL. It can be configured to be active during the wait cycle or one clock cycle in advance.
The WAIT signal is not gated by Output Enable.
VDD Supply Voltage
VDD provides the power supply to the internal core of the memory device. It is the main
power supply for all operations (Read, Program and Erase).
VDDQ Supply Voltage
VDDQ provides the power supply to the I/O pins and enables all Outputs to be powered
independently of VDD. VDDQ can be tied to VDD or can use a separate supply.

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