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M58WR064HT Datasheet(PDF) 40 Page - Numonyx B.V

Part # M58WR064HT
Description  64 Mbit (4Mb x16, Multiple Bank, Burst) 1.8V supply Flash memories
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Manufacturer  NUMONYX [Numonyx B.V]
Direct Link  http://www.numonyx.com
Logo NUMONYX - Numonyx B.V

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Configuration Register
M58WR064HT, M58WR064HB
Data Output Configuration Bit (CR9)
The Data Output Configuration bit determines whether the output remains valid for one or
two clock cycles. When the Data Output Configuration Bit is ’0’ the output data is valid for
one clock cycle, when the Data Output Configuration Bit is ’1’ the output data is valid for two
clock cycles.
The Data Output Configuration depends on the condition:
tK > tKQV + tQVK_CPU
where tK is the clock period, tQVK_CPU is the data setup time required by the system CPU
and tKQV is the clock to data valid time. If this condition is not satisfied, the Data Output
Configuration bit should be set to ‘1’ (two clock cycles). Refer to Figure 5: X-Latency and
data output configuration example.
Wait Configuration Bit (CR8)
In burst mode the Wait bit controls the timing of the Wait output pin, WAIT. When WAIT is
asserted, Data is Not Valid and when WAIT is de-asserted, Data is Valid. When the Wait bit
is ’0’ the Wait output pin is asserted during the wait state. When the Wait bit is ’1’ the Wait
output pin is asserted one clock cycle before the wait state.
Burst Type Bit (CR7)
The Burst Type bit is used to configure the sequence of addresses read as sequential or
interleaved. When the Burst Type bit is ’0’ the memory outputs from interleaved addresses;
when the Burst Type bit is ’1’ the memory outputs from sequential addresses. See Table 11:
Burst type definition, for the sequence of addresses output from a given starting address in
each mode.
Valid Clock Edge Bit (CR6)
The Valid Clock Edge bit, CR6, is used to configure the active edge of the Clock, K, during
Synchronous Burst Read operations. When the Valid Clock Edge bit is ’0’ the falling edge of
the Clock is the active edge; when the Valid Clock Edge bit is ’1’ the rising edge of the Clock
is active.
Wrap Burst Bit (CR3)
The burst reads can be confined inside the 4 or 8 Word boundary (wrap) or overcome the
boundary (no wrap). The Wrap Burst bit is used to select between wrap and no wrap. When
the Wrap Burst bit is set to ‘0’ the burst read wraps; when it is set to ‘1’ the burst read does
not wrap.

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