Document #: 38-02069 Rev. *F
Page 95 of 153
Mixed-size Single Searches with 31 Devices on Tables Configured with Different Widths
This subsection will cover mixed searches (×72, ×144, and ×288) with tables of different widths (×72, ×144, ×288). Note: Non-
Enhanced Mode does not support 576-bit tables. The sample operation shown is for 31 devices, with devices 0 to 7 containing
x72 tables (CFG field in Command register all zeroes for Non-Enhanced Mode, NES = “00” (binary) for all blocks for Enhanced
Mode), devices 8 to 15 containing x144 tables (CFG[63:0] field in Command register for CYNSE10512 = 5555555555555555
(hex), CFG[31:0] = 55555555 (hex) for CYNSE10256, CFG[15:0] = 5555 (hex) for CYNSE10128 for Non-Enhanced Mode, NES
= “01” (binary) in all blocks for Enhanced Mode), and the rest of the devices containing x288 tables (CFG[63:0] =
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA (hex) for CYNSE10512, CFG[31:0] = AAAAAAAA (hex) for CYNSE10256, CFG[15:0] = AAAA (hex) for
CYNSE10128 for Non-Enhanced Mode, NES = “10” (binary) in all blocks for Enhanced Mode). The following figures show three
sequential searches: first, a 72-bit Search on a ×72-configured table; a 144-bit Search on a ×144-configured table; and a 288-bit
Search on a ×288-configured table that each results in a hit.
The 31 cascaded devices can be viewed as three blocks of 8 devices and a fourth block of 7 devices, as shown in Figure 6-19.
Each individual block of 8 or 7 devices is connected very similarly to the connection shown in Figure 6-9, except that the BHI[2:0]
signals are connected to BHO of the previous block rather than being grounded. Figure 6-39 shows a graphical example of the
tables using CYNSE10512s.
• The “Block” in the figure above refers to a block of 8 devices, not a block within a single device.
• All 31 devices must be programmed with the same values for TLZ (“10” (binary)) and HLAT (“000” (binary) in this example).
Only the last device in the table must be programmed with LRAM = 1 (binary) and LDEV = 1 (binary) (device 30 in this case).
All other upstream devices must be programmed with LRAM = 0 (binary) and LDEV = 0 (binary) (devices 0 through 29 in this
• The device receiving all the LHO signals from the other devices is considered the last device.
• All the shared signals in the following timing diagrams showing tri-stated condition (“z”) indicate that, that particular device is
not driving the shared signals. The shared signals are not three-stated in a real life because other devices will be driving them.
• One way to create many tables of different widths in a bank of NSEs is by having table designation bits. It is assumed that bits
[71:70] for each entry will be assigned such table designation bits. DQ[71:70] will be 00 in each of the two A and B cycles of the
×72-bit Search (Search1). DQ[71:70] is 01 in each of the A and B cycles of the ×144-bit Search (Search2). DQ[71:70] is 10 in
each of the A, B, C, and D cycles of the ×288-bit Search (Search3).
The timing diagrams below corresponds to the Hit/Miss assumptions defined in Table 6-11. For the purpose of illustrating the
timings, it is further assumed that there is only one device with a matching entry in each of the blocks.
Table 6-11. Hit/Miss Assumptions
Search Number
#1 (x72)
#2 (x144)
#3 (x288)
Block 0
Block 1
Block 2
Block 3
Blocks 2 and 3, Devices 16 to 30, 1 million entries
Block 0, Devices 0 to 7, 2 million entries
Block 1, Devices 8 to 15, 1 million entries
CFG = 0000000000000000 (hex)
Figure 6-39. Multiwidth Configurations Example with CYNSE10512s
CFG = 5555555555555555 (hex)
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