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WM8941 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Wolfson Microelectronics plc |
WM8941 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Wolfson Microelectronics plc |
10 / 96 page WM8941 Pre Production w PP, Rev 3.3, December 2007 10 Test Conditions DCVDD=1.8V, DBVDD=3.3V, AVDD=3.3V, SPKVDD =3.3V, , VBVDD=3.3V, TA = +25 oC, 1kHz signal, fs = 48kHz, 24-bit audio data unless otherwise stated. PARAMETER SYMBOL TEST CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT Low pass filter order 3rd order Low Pass Filter Response (referenced to 100kHz) Response at 2.4MHz -0.1 0 0.1 dB Response at 5.13MHz -0.5 -0.2 0.1 dB Response at 9.04MHz -3.0 -1.6 0 dB Response at 13.32MHz RVBREF=187 Ω, ROUT=75Ω, RLOAD=75 Ω, 0dB gain -11.0 -7.0 -3.0 dB Microphone Bias MBVSEL=0 0.85* AVDD 0.9*AVDD 0.95* AVDD V Bias Voltage MBVSEL=1 0.65*AVDD V Bias Current Source for VMICBIAS within +/-3% 3 mA Output Noise Voltage 1kHz to 20kHz 15 nV/ √Hz Digital Input / Output Input HIGH Level VIH 0.7 × DBVDD DBVDD+0.7 V Input LOW Level VIL GND-0.7 0.3 ×DBVDD V Output HIGH Level VOH IOL=1mA 0.9 × DBVDD DBVDD V Output LOW Level VOL IOH-1mA GND 0.1xDBVDD V Input Capacitance All digital pins 10 pF All digital pins except MODE -900 +900 nA Input leakage MODE pin -90 +90 µA TERMINOLOGY 1. Full-scale input and output levels scale in relation to AVDD or SPKVDD depending upon the input or output used. For example, when AVDD = 3.3V, 0dBFS = 1Vrms (0dBV). When AVDD < 3.3V the absolute level of 0dBFS will decrease with a linear relationship to AVDD. 2. Input level to RIP and LIP in differential configurations is limited to a maximum of -3dB or performance will be reduced. 3. Signal-to-noise ratio (dB) – SNR is the difference in level between a reference full scale output signal and the device output with no signal applied. This ratio is also called idle channel noise. (No Auto-zero or Automute function is employed in achieving these results). 4. Total Harmonic Distortion (dB) – THD is the difference in level between a reference output signal and the first seven harmonics of that signal. The reference output signal need not be at full scale amplitude; THD is typically measured using an output power of 20mW into a 16ohm load, corresponding to a reference signal level of -5dB. However the stated test conditions include input signal level, signal gain settings, output load characteristics and power supply voltages To calculate the ratio, the fundamental frequency of the output signal is notched out and an RMS value of the next seven harmonics is calculated. 5. THD is the difference in level between a reference output signal and the first seven harmonics of the output signal. To calculate the ratio, the fundamental frequency of the output signal is notched out and an RMS value of the next seven harmonics is calculated. 6. Total Harmonic Distortion plus Noise (dB) – THD+N is the difference in level between a reference output signal and the sum of the harmonics, wide-band noise and interference on the output signal. To calculate the ratio, the fundamental frequency of the output signal is notched out and an RMS value of the total harmonics, wide-band noise and interference is calculated. |
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