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CY8C9520A Datasheet(PDF) 14 Page - Cypress Semiconductor

Part # CY8C9520A
Description  20-, 40-, and 60-Bit IO Expander with EEPROM
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Manufacturer  CYPRESS [Cypress Semiconductor]
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CY8C9520A, CY8C9540A
Document Number: 38-12036 Rev. *B
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Read E2 POR Defaults Cmd (04h)
This command reads the POR settings stored in the EEPROM.
To read POR defaults the user must:
Write command 04h
Read 146 data bytes (see Table 16)
Read 1 CRC byte.
Write Device Config Cmd (05h)
This command sends a new device configuration to the
CY8C95xx. It is followed by 146 data bytes according to
Table 16. The CRC is calculated as the XOR of the 146 data
bytes (00h-91h). If the CRC check fails or an incomplete block is
sent, then the slave responds with a NAK and the device does
not use the data. This gives the user ‘flat-address-space’ access
to all device settings.
To set the current device configuration the user must:
Write command 05h
Write 146 data bytes with new values of registers
Write 1 CRC byte calculated as XOR of previous 146 data
If the CRC check passes, then the device uses the new settings
Content of the data block is described in Table 16.
Read Device Config Cmd (06h)
This command reads the current device configuration. It gives
the user ‘flat-address-space’ access to all device settings.
To read device configuration the user must:
Write command 06h
Read 146 data bytes (see Table 16).
Read 1 CRC byte.
Reconfigure Device Cmd (07h)
This command immediately reconfigures the device with actual
POR defaults from EEPROM. It has the same effect on the
registers as a POR.
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