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S-7760A53XX-HCT1 Datasheet(PDF) 24 Page - Seiko Instruments Inc |
S-7760A53XX-HCT1 Datasheet(HTML) 24 Page - Seiko Instruments Inc |
24 / 53 page PROGRAMMABLE PORT CONTROLLER (PORT EXPANDER WITH BUILT-IN E2PROM CIRCUIT) S-7760A Rev.1.3_00 Seiko Instruments Inc. 24 6. Write operation 6. 1 Write When this IC receives the 7-bit device address and the Read/Write instruction code “0” after receiving a start condition, it generates an acknowledgment signal. Next, after it receives the 8-bit word address and generates an acknowledgment signal, it receives a stop condition to finish the Write command. In the Write operation to the E 2PROM, the Write operation starts with a stop condition, the S-7760A finishes it after the period to Write (max. 5 ms) has elapsed. During Write to the E 2PROM, all operations are inhibited to be performed and the S-7760A does not send back any acknowledgment signals for command inputs. C2 C1 C0 S T A R T W R I T E DEVICE ADDRESS R / W M S B SDA LINE A C K L S B 0 S T O P DATA A C K B7 B6 B5 B4 B3 B2 B1 B0 D C 0 C3 D C 1 D C 2 Figure 27 Write 6. 2 Write Protect Write protect is available in the S-7760A. When the WP pin is connected to VCCH, the Write operation in all memory area is inhibited. When the WP pin is connected to GND, Write protect becomes invalid so that the Write operation in all memory area is accepted. Fix the WP pin during the period; from rising of SCL at installing the last bit in Write data until the completion of Write period (max. 5 ms). Written data in the address is not assured if the condition of the WP pin is changed during this period. Be sure to connect the WP pin to GND when you don’t use Write Protect. Write Protect is valid in the range of power supply voltage. SDA WP SCL Acknowledgment signal Period to fix WP pin Stop Condition Start Condition Write Data tWR B0 Figure 28 Period to Fix WP Pin |
Similar Part No. - S-7760A53XX-HCT1 |
Similar Description - S-7760A53XX-HCT1 |
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