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TOP249YN- Datasheet(PDF) 1 Page - Power Integrations, Inc.

Part # TOP249YN-
Description  TOPSwitch-GX Family Extended Power, Design Flexible, EcoSmart, Integrated Off-line Switcher
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Manufacturer  POWERINT [Power Integrations, Inc.]
Direct Link  http://www.powerint.com
Logo POWERINT - Power Integrations, Inc.

TOP249YN- Datasheet(HTML) 1 Page - Power Integrations, Inc.

  TOP249YN- Datasheet HTML 1Page - Power Integrations, Inc. TOP249YN- Datasheet HTML 2Page - Power Integrations, Inc. TOP249YN- Datasheet HTML 3Page - Power Integrations, Inc. TOP249YN- Datasheet HTML 4Page - Power Integrations, Inc. TOP249YN- Datasheet HTML 5Page - Power Integrations, Inc. TOP249YN- Datasheet HTML 6Page - Power Integrations, Inc. TOP249YN- Datasheet HTML 7Page - Power Integrations, Inc. TOP249YN- Datasheet HTML 8Page - Power Integrations, Inc. TOP249YN- Datasheet HTML 9Page - Power Integrations, Inc. Next Button
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Figure 1. Typical Flyback Application.
Extended Power, Design Flexible,
, Integrated Off-line Switcher
December 2004
Product Highlights
Lower System Cost, High Design Flexibility
• Extended power range for higher power applications
• No heatsink required up to 34 W using P package
• Features eliminate or reduce cost of external components
• Fully integrated soft-start for minimum stress/overshoot
• Externally programmable accurate current limit
• Wider duty cycle for more power, smaller input capacitor
• Separate line sense and current limit pins on Y/R/F packages
• Line under-voltage (UV) detection: no turn off glitches
• Line overvoltage (OV) shutdown extends line surge limit
• Line feed-forward with maximum duty cycle (DC
reduction rejects line ripple and limits DC
MAX at high line
• Frequency jittering reduces EMI and EMI filtering costs
• Regulates to zero load without dummy loading
• 132 kHz frequency reduces transformer/power supply size
• Half frequency option inY/R/F packages for video applications
• Hysteretic thermal shutdown for automatic fault recovery
• Large thermal hysteresis prevents PC board overheating
EcoSmart -
Energy Efficient
• Extremely low consumption in remote off mode
(80 mW at 110 VAC, 160 mW at 230 VAC)
• Frequency lowered with load for high standby efficiency
• Allows shutdown/wake-up via LAN/input port
uses the same proven topology as TOPSwitch,
cost effectively integrating the high voltage power MOSFET,
PWM control, fault protection and other control circuitry onto
a single CMOS chip. Many new functions are integrated to
and energy efficiency.
Depending on package type, either 1 or 3 additional pins over
the TOPSwitch standard DRAIN, SOURCE and CONTROL
terminals allow the following functions: line sensing (OV/UV,
line feed-forward/DC
MAX reduction), accurate externally set
current limit, remote ON/OFF, synchronization to an external
lower frequency, and frequency selection (132 kHz/66 kHz).
All package types provide the following transparent features:
at light load), frequency jittering for lower EMI, wider DC
hysteretic thermal shutdown, and larger creepage packages. In
addition, all critical parameters (i.e. current limit, frequency,
PWM gain) have tighter temperature and absolute tolerances
to simplify design and optimize system cost.
230 VAC ±15%4
85-265 VAC
Adapter1 Open
Frame2 Adapter
TOP242 P or G
TOP242 R
TOP242 Y or F
9 W
15 W
10 W
15 W
22 W
22 W
6.5 W
11 W
7 W
10 W
14 W
14 W
TOP242 P or G
TOP243 R
TOP243 Y or F
13 W
29 W
20 W
25 W
45 W
45 W
9 W
17 W
15 W
15 W
23 W
30 W
TOP244 P or G
TOP244 R
TOP244 Y or F
16 W
34 W
30 W
28 W
50 W
65 W
11 W
20 W
20 W
20 W
28 W
45 W
TOP245 P
TOP245 R
TOP245 Y or F
19 W
37 W
40 W
30 W
57 W
85 W
13 W
23 W
26 W
22 W
33 W
60 W
TOP246 P
TOP246 R
TOP246 Y or F
21 W
40 W
60 W
34 W
64 W
125 W
15 W
26 W
40 W
26 W
38 W
90 W
TOP247 R
TOP247 Y or F
42 W
85 W
70 W
165 W
28 W
55 W
43 W
125 W
TOP248 R
TOP248 Y or F
43 W
105 W
75 W
205 W
30 W
70 W
48 W
155 W
TOP249 R
TOP249 Y or F
44 W
120 W
79 W
250 W
31 W
80 W
53 W
180 W
TOP250 R
TOP250 Y or F
45 W
135 W
82 W
290 W
32 W
90 W
55 W
210 W
Table 1.
Notes: 1.Typical continuous power in a non-ventilated enclosed
adapter measured at 50 °C ambient. 2. Maximum practical continuous
power in an open frame design at 50 °C ambient. See KeyApplications
for detailed conditions. 3. For lead-free package options, see Part
Ordering Information. 4. 230 VAC or 100/115 VAC with doubler.

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