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LTC1440IN8 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Linear Technology |
LTC1440IN8 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Linear Technology |
10 / 16 page 10 LTC1440/LTC1441/LTC1442 144012fc LTC1440/LTC1441/LTC1442 are a family of micropower comparators with built-in 1.182V reference. Features include programmable hysteresis (LTC1440/LTC1442), wide supply voltage range (2V to 11V) and the ability of the reference to drive up to a 0.01 µF capacitor without oscil- lation. The comparators’ CMOS outputs can source up to 40mA and the supply current glitches, that normally occur when switching logic states, have been eliminated. Power Supplies The comparator family operates from a single 2V to 11V supply. The LTC1440 includes a separate ground for the comparator output stage, allowing a split supply ranging from ±1Vto±5.5V.ConnectingV–toGNDontheLTC1440 will allow single supply operation. If the comparator out- put is required to source more than 1mA, or the supply source impedance is high, V + should be bypassed with a 0.1 µF capacitor. Comparator Inputs The comparator inputs can swing from the negative sup- ply V – to within 1.3V max of the positive supply V +. The inputs can be forced 300mV below V – or above V + without damage and the typical input leakage current is only ±10pA. Comparator Outputs The LTC1440 comparator output swings between GND and V + to assure TTL compatibility with a split supply. The LTC1441 and LTC1442 outputs swing between V – and V +. The outputs are capable of sourcing up to 40mA and sinking up to 5mA while still maintaining microampere quiescent currents. The output stage does not generate crowbar switching currents during transitions which helps minimize parasitic feedback through the supply pins. Voltage Reference The internal bandgap reference has a voltage of 1.182V referenced to V –. The reference accuracy is 1.5% from –40 °C to 85°C. It can source up to 200µA and sink up to 20 µA with a 5V supply. The reference can drive a bypass capacitor of up to 0.01 µF without oscillation and by inserting a series resistor, capacitance values up to 100 µF can be used (Figure 1). Figure 2 shows the resistor value required for different capacitor values to achieve critical damping. Bypassing the reference can help prevent false tripping of the com- parators by preventing glitches on V + or reference load transients from disturbing the reference output voltage. Figure 3 shows the bypassed reference output with a square wave applied to the V + pin. Resistors R2 and R3 set 10mV of hysteresis voltage band while R1 damps the reference response. Note that the comparator output doesn’t trip. APPLICATIONS INFORMATION LTC144X V – REF R1 C1 REFERENCE OUTPUT 1440/1/2 F01 Figure 1. Damping the Reference Output CAPACITOR VALUE ( µF) 0.001 0.1 10 1000 0.01 0.1 10 1 1440/1/2 F02 1 100 Figure 2. Damping Resistance vs Bypass Capacitor Value |
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