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TMP400 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Texas Instruments |
TMP400 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Texas Instruments |
10 / 25 page www.ti.com CONFIGURATION REGISTER TMP400 SBOS404 – DECEMBER 2007 The BUSY bit is ‘1’ if the ADC makes a conversion. It The TMP400 NORs LHIGH, LLOW, RHIGH, RLOW, is ‘0’ if the ADC is not converting. and OPEN, so a status change for any of these flags from ‘0’ to ‘1’ automatically causes the ALERT pin to The OPEN bit is ‘1’ if the remote transistor was go low. detected as open since the last read of the Status Register. The OPEN status is only detected when the ADC attempts to convert a remote temperature. The Configuration Register controls shutdown mode The LHIGH bit is ‘1’ if the local high limit was and disables the ALERT pin. The Configuration exceeded since the last clearing of the Status Register is set by writing to pointer address 09h and Register. The RHIGH bit is ‘1’ if the remote high limit read by reading from pointer address 03h. was exceeded since the last clearing of the Status Register. The MASK bit (bit 7) enables or disables the ALERT pin output. If MASK is set to ‘0’, the ALERT pin goes The LLOW bit is ‘1’ if the local low limit was exceeded low when one of the temperature measurement since the last clearing of the Status Register. The channels exceeds its high or low limits for the chosen RLOW bit is ‘1’ if the remote low limit was exceeded number of consecutive conversions. If the MASK bit since the last clearing of the Status Register. is set to ‘1’, the TMP400 retains the ALERT pin The values of the LLOW, RLOW, and OPEN bits are status, but the ALERT pin does not go low. latched and read as ‘1’ until the Status Register is The shutdown (SD) bit (bit 6) enables or disables the read or a device reset occurs. These bits are cleared temperature measurement circuitry. If SD = 0, the by reading the Status Register, provided that the TMP400 converts continuously at the rate set in the condition causing the flag to be set no longer exists. conversion rate register. When SD is set to ‘1’, the The BUSY bit is not latched and is not cleared by TMP400 immediately stops converting and enters a reading the Status Register. The BUSY bit always shutdown mode. When SD is set to ‘0’ again, the indicates the current state and updates appropriately TMP400 resumes continuous conversions. at the end of the corresponding ADC conversion. Clearing the Status Register bits does not clear the The remaining bits of the Configuration Register are state of the ALERT pin; an SMBus alert response reserved and must always be set to ‘0’. The power-on address command must be used to clear the ALERT reset value for this register is 00h. Table 4 pin. summarizes the bits of the Configuration Register. Table 4. Configuration Register Bit Descriptions CONFIGURATION REGISTER (Read = 03h, Write = 09h, POR = 00h) BIT NAME FUNCTION POWER-ON RESET VALUE 0 = ALERT Enabled 7 MASK 0 1 = ALERT Masked 0 = Run 6 SD 0 1 = Shut Down 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 Reserved — 0 10 Submit Documentation Feedback Copyright © 2007, Texas Instruments Incorporated Product Folder Link(s): TMP400 |
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