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D16750 Datasheet(PDF) 4 Page - Digital Core Design |
D16750 Datasheet(HTML) 4 Page - Digital Core Design |
4 / 7 page All trademarks mentioned in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright 1999-2007 DCD – Digital Core Design. All Rights Reserved. http://www.DigitalCoreDesign.com http://www.dcd.pl SYMBOL datai(7:0) address(2:0) datao(7:0) so rts dtr out1 out2 cts dsr dcd ri wr rd cs si rst clk rclk baudclk baudout intr ddis txrdy rxrdy D16750 baudclken rclken PINS DESCRIPTI O N PIN TYPE DESCRIPTION rst input Global reset clk input Global clock datai[7:0] input Parallel data input addr[2:0] input Address bus cs input Chip select input wr input Write input rd input Read input rclk input Receiver clock baudclk input Baud generator clock si input Serial data input cts input Clear to send input dsr input Data set ready input dcd input Data carrier detect input ri input Ring indicator input baudclken input Baud generator clock enable rclken input Receiver clock enable baudout output Baud generator output datao[7:0] output Parallel data output so output Serial data output ddis output Driver disable output txrdy output Transmitter ready output rxrdy output Receiver ready output rts output Request to send output dtr output Data terminal ready output out1 output Output 1 out2 output Output 2 intr output Interrupt request output Note : When enabled RCLK and BAUDCLK pins frequency should be at least two times lower than CLK, 2*fRCLK< fCLK APPLI C ATION D16750 addr(2:0) addr latch datai(7:0) datao(7:0) wr rd cs intr rxrdy txrdy out1 out2 EIA Drivers so si rts dtr dsr dcd cts ri baudclken rclken clk rst baudclk rclk CPU addr ale datao(7:0) datai(7:0) we rd cs int Typical D16750 and processor connection is shown in figure above. BLOCK DIAGRAM Data Bus Buffer - The data Bus Buffer accepts inputs from the system bus and generates control signals for the other D16750 functional blocks. Address bus ADDR(2:0) selects one of the register to be read from/written into. Both RD and WE signals are active low, and are qualified by CS; RD and WE are ignored unless the D16750 has been selected by holding CS low. Baud Generator - The D16750 contains a programmable 16 bit baud generator that divides clock input by a divisor in the range between 1 and (216–1). The output frequency of the baud generator is 16× the baud rate. The formula for the divisor is: 16 * baudrate frequency divisor = Two 8-bit registers, called divisor latches DLL and DLM, store the divisor in a 16-bit binary format. These divisor latches must be loaded during initialization of the D16750 in order to ensure desired operation of the baud generator. When either of the divisor latches is loaded, a 16-bit baud counter is also loaded on the CLK rising edge following the write to DLL or DLM to prevent long counts on initial load. Modem Control Logic controls the interface with the MODEM or data set (or a peripheral device emulating a MODEM). |
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