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ISO7221CDR Datasheet(PDF) 18 Page - Texas Instruments

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Part # ISO7221CDR
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Manufacturer  TI [Texas Instruments]
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ISO7221CDR Datasheet(HTML) 18 Page - Texas Instruments

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ISO7220A, ISO7220C, ISO7220M
ISO7221A, ISO7221C, ISO7221M
Creepage Distance — The shortest path between two conductive input to output leads measured along the
surface of the insulation. The shortest distance path is found around the end of the package body.
Clearance — The shortest distance between two conductive input to output leads measured through air (line of
Input-to Output Barrier Capacitance -- The total capacitance between all input terminals connected together,
and all output terminals connected together.
Input-to Output Barrier Resistance -- The total resistance between all input terminals connected together, and
all output terminals connected together.
Primary Circuit -- An internal circuit directly connected to an external supply mains or other equivalent source
which supplies the primary circuit electric power.
Secondary Circuit -- A circuit with no direct connection to primary power, and derives its power from a separate
isolated source.
Comparative Tracking Index (CTI) -- CTI is an index used for electrical insulating materials which is defined as
the numerical value of the voltage which causes failure by tracking during standard testing. Tracking is the
process that produces a partially conducting path of localized deterioration on or through the surface of an
insulating material as a result of the action of electric discharges on or close to an insulation surface -- the
higher CTI value of the insulating material, the smaller the minimum creepage distance.
Generally, insulation breakdown occurs either through the material, over its surface, or both. Surface failure may
arise from flashover or from the progressive degradation of the insulation surface by small localized sparks.
Such sparks are the result of the breaking of a surface film of conducting contaminant on the insulation. The
resulting break in the leakage current produces an overvoltage at the site of the discontinuity, and an electric
spark is generated. These sparks often cause carbonization on insulation material and lead to a carbon track
between points of different potential. This process is known as tracking.
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