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MB90867EPFV Datasheet(PDF) 22 Page - Fujitsu Component Limited.

Part # MB90867EPFV
Description  16-bit Proprietary Microcontroller
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Manufacturer  FUJITSU [Fujitsu Component Limited.]
Direct Link  http://edevice.fujitsu.com/fmd/en/index.html
Logo FUJITSU - Fujitsu Component Limited.

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MB90860E Series
Turning-on Sequence of Power Supply to A/D Converter and Analog Inputs
Make sure to turn on the A/D converter power supply (AVCC, AVRH, AVRL) and analog inputs (AN0 to AN23)
after turning-on the digital power supply (VCC) .
Turn-off the digital power after turning off the A/D converter supply and analog inputs. In this case, make sure
that the voltage not exceed AVRH or AVCC (turning on/off the analog and digital power supplies simultaneously
is acceptable) .
Connection of Unused Pins of A/D Converter if A/D Converter is used
Connect unused pins of A/D converter to AVCC
Crystal Oscillator Circuit
X0, X1 pins and X0A, X1A pins may be possible causes of abnormal operations. Make sure to provide bypass
capacitors via shortest distance from X0, X1 pins and X0A, X1A pins, crystal oscillator (or ceramic oscillator)
and ground lines, and make sure, to the utmost effort, that lines of oscillation circuit not cross the lines of other
It is highly recommended to provide a printed circuit board art work surrounding X0, X1 pins and X0A, X1A pins
with a ground area for stabilizing the operation.
Pull-up/down resistors
The MB90860E Series does not support internal pull-up/down resistors (Port 0 to Port 3: built-in pull-up resistors).
Use external components where needed.
Using external clock
To use external clock, drive the X0 pin and leave X1 pin open.
10. Precautions for when not using a sub clock signal
If you do not connect pins X0A and X1A to an oscillator, use pull-down handling on the X0A pin, and leave the
X1A pin open.
11. Notes on during operation of PLL clock mode
If the PLL clock mode is selected, the MB90860 series attempt to be working with the self-oscillating circuit even
when there is no external oscillator or external clock input is stopped. Performance of this operation, however,
cannot be guaranteed.
12. Notes on Energization
To prevent the internal regulator circuit from malfunctioning, set the voltage rise time during energization at 50
or more
µs (0.2 V to 2.7 V)
MB90860E Series

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