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HSDL-3603 Datasheet(PDF) 21 Page - Agilent(Hewlett-Packard) |
HSDL-3603 Datasheet(HTML) 21 Page - Agilent(Hewlett-Packard) |
21 / 24 page 21 Appendix D: Window Design Optical Port Dimensions for HSDL- 3603: To ensure IrDA compliance, some constraints on the height and width of the window exist. The minimum dimensions ensure that the IrDA cone angles are met without vignetting. The maximum dimensions minimize the effects of stray light. The minimum size corresponds to a cone angle of 30° and the maximum size corre- sponds to a cone angle of 60º. In the figure below, X is the width of the window, Y is the height of the window and Z is the distance from the HSDL-3603 to the back of the window. The distance from the center of the LED lens to the center of the photodiode lens, K, is 7.08 mm. The equations for computing the window dimen- sions are as follows: X = K + 2*(Z + D)*tanA Y = 2*(Z + D)*tanA The above equations assume that the thickness of the window is negligible compared to the dis- tance of the module from the back of the window (Z). If they are com- parable, Z' replaces Z in the above equation. Z' is defined as Z' = Z + t/n where ‘t’ is the thickness of the window and ‘n’ is the refractive index of the window material. The depth of the LED image in- side the HSDL-3603, D, is 8 mm. ‘A’ is the required half angle for viewing. For IrDA compliance, the minimum is 15° and the maxi- mum is 30°. Assuming the thick- ness of the window to be negligible, the equations result in the following tables and graphs: D Z K A IR TRANSPARENT WINDOW OPAQUE MATERIAL OPAQUE MATERIAL IR TRANSPARENT WINDOW X Y Figure 25. Window design diagram. |
Similar Part No. - HSDL-3603 |
Similar Description - HSDL-3603 |
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