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M58WR064T Datasheet(PDF) 23 Page - STMicroelectronics |
M58WR064T Datasheet(HTML) 23 Page - STMicroelectronics |
23 / 81 page 23/81 M58WR064T, M58WR064B STATUS REGISTER The Status Register provides information on the current or previous Program or Erase operations. Issue a Read Status Register command to read the contents of the Status Register, refer to Read Status Register Command section for more de- tails. To output the contents, the Status Register is latched and updated on the falling edge of the Chip Enable or Output Enable signals, and can be read until Chip Enable or Output Enable returns to VIH. The Status Register can only be read using single asynchronous or single synchronous reads. Bus Read operations from any address within the bank, always read the Status Register during Pro- gram and Erase operations. The various bits convey information about the sta- tus and any errors of the operation. Bits SR7, SR6, SR2 and SR0 give information on the status of the device and are set and reset by the device. Bits SR5, SR4, SR3 and SR1 give information on er- rors, they are set by the device but must be reset by issuing a Clear Status Register command or a hardware reset. If an error bit is set to ‘1’ the Status Register should be reset before issuing another command. SR7 to SR1 refer to the status of the device while SR0 refers to the status of the ad- dressed bank. The bits in the Status Register are summarized in Table 8, Status Register Bits. Refer to Table 8 in conjunction with the following text descriptions. Program/Erase Controller Status Bit (SR7). The Program/Erase Controller Status bit indicates whether the Program/Erase Controller is active or inactive in any bank. When the Program/Erase Controller Status bit is Low (set to ‘0’), the Pro- gram/Erase Controller is active; when the bit is High (set to ‘1’), the Program/Erase Controller is inactive, and the device is ready to process a new command. The Program/Erase Controller Status is Low im- mediately after a Program/Erase Suspend com- mand is issued until the Program/Erase Controller pauses. After the Program/Erase Controller paus- es the bit is High. During Program, Erase, operations the Program/ Erase Controller Status bit can be polled to find the end of the operation. Other bits in the Status Reg- ister should not be tested until the Program/Erase Controller completes the operation and the bit is High. After the Program/Erase Controller completes its operation the Erase Status, Program Status, VPP Status and Block Lock Status bits should be tested for errors. Erase Suspend Status Bit (SR6). The Erase Suspend Status bit indicates that an Erase opera- tion has been suspended or is going to be sus- pended in the addressed block. When the Erase Suspend Status bit is High (set to ‘1’), a Program/ Erase Suspend command has been issued and the memory is waiting for a Program/Erase Re- sume command. The Erase Suspend Status should only be consid- ered valid when the Program/Erase Controller Sta- tus bit is High (Program/Erase Controller inactive). SR7 is set within 30 µs of the Program/Erase Sus- pend command being issued therefore the memo- ry may still complete the operation rather than entering the Suspend mode. When a Program/Erase Resume command is is- sued the Erase Suspend Status bit returns Low. Erase Status Bit (SR5). The Erase Status bit can be used to identify if the memory has failed to verify that the block or bank has erased correctly. When the Erase Status bit is High (set to ‘1’), the Program/Erase Controller has applied the maxi- mum number of pulses to the block or bank and still failed to verify that it has erased correctly. The Erase Status bit should be read once the Program/ Erase Controller Status bit is High (Program/Erase Controller inactive). Once set High, the Erase Status bit can only be re- set Low by a Clear Status Register command or a hardware reset. If set High it should be reset be- fore a new Program or Erase command is issued, otherwise the new command will appear to fail. Program Status Bit (SR4). The Program Status bit is used to identify a Program failure. When the Program Status bit is High (set to ‘1’), the Pro- gram/Erase Controller has applied the maximum number of pulses to the byte and still failed to ver- ify that it has programmed correctly. The Program Status bit should be read once the Program/Erase Controller Status bit is High (Program/Erase Con- troller inactive). Once set High, the Program Status bit can only be reset Low by a Clear Status Register command or a hardware reset. If set High it should be reset be- fore a new command is issued, otherwise the new command will appear to fail. VPP Status Bit (SR3). The VPP Status bit can be used to identify an invalid voltage on the VPP pin during Program and Erase operations. The VPP pin is only sampled at the beginning of a Program or Erase operation. Indeterminate results can oc- cur if VPP becomes invalid during an operation. When the VPP Status bit is Low (set to ‘0’), the volt- age on the VPP pin was sampled at a valid voltage; when the VPP Status bit is High (set to ‘1’), the VPP pin has a voltage that is below the VPP Lockout Voltage, VPPLK, the memory is protected and Pro- gram and Erase operations cannot be performed. |
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