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M58WR064T Datasheet(PDF) 16 Page - STMicroelectronics |
M58WR064T Datasheet(HTML) 16 Page - STMicroelectronics |
16 / 81 page M58WR064T, M58WR064B 16/81 The Block Lock bits are volatile, once set they re- main set until a hardware reset or power-down/ power-up. They are cleared by a Block Unlock command. Refer to the section, Block Locking, for a detailed explanation. See Appendix C, Figure 24, Locking Operations Flowchart and Pseudo Code, for a flowchart for using the Lock command. Block Unlock Command The Block Unlock command is used to unlock a block, allowing the block to be programmed or erased. Two Bus Write cycles are required to is- sue the Block Unlock command. s The first bus cycle sets up the Block Unlock command. s The second Bus Write cycle latches the block address. The lock status can be monitored for each block using the Read Electronic Signature command. Table 13 shows the protection status after issuing a Block Unlock command. Refer to the section, Block Locking, for a detailed explanation and Ap- pendix C, Figure 24, Locking Operations Flow- chart and Pseudo Code, for a flowchart for using the Unlock command. Block Lock-Down Command A locked or unlocked block can be locked-down by issuing the Block Lock-Down command. A locked- down block cannot be programmed or erased, or have its protection status changed when WP is low, VIL. When WP is high, VIH, the Lock-Down function is disabled and the locked blocks can be individually unlocked by the Block Unlock com- mand. Two Bus Write cycles are required to issue the Block Lock-Down command. s The first bus cycle sets up the Block Lock command. s The second Bus Write cycle latches the block address. The lock status can be monitored for each block using the Read Electronic Signature command. Locked-Down blocks revert to the locked (and not locked-down) state when the device is reset on power-down. Table. 13 shows the Lock Status af- ter issuing a Block Lock-Down command. Refer to the section, Block Locking, for a detailed explana- tion and Appendix C, Figure 24, Locking Opera- tions Flowchart and Pseudo Code, for a flowchart for using the Lock-Down command. |
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