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TDA4853 Datasheet(PDF) 33 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
TDA4853 Datasheet(HTML) 33 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
33 / 60 page 1999 Jul 13 33 Philips Semiconductors Product specification I2C-bus autosync deflection controllers for PC/TV monitors TDA4853; TDA4854 I2C-BUS PROTOCOL I2C-bus data format Notes 1. S = START condition. 2. SLAVE ADDRESS (MAD) = 1000 1100. 3. A = acknowledge, generated by the slave. No acknowledge, if the supply voltage is below 8.3 V for start-up and 8.1 V for shut-down procedure. 4. SUBADDRESS (SAD). 5. DATA, if more than 1 byte of DATA is transmitted, then no auto-increment of the significant subaddress is performed. 6. P = STOP condition. It should be noted that clock pulses according to the 400 kHz specification are accepted for 3.3 and 5 V applications (reference level = 1.8 V). Default register values after power-up are random. All registers have to be preset via software before the soft start is enabled. Important: If the register contents are changed during the vertical scan, this might result in a visible interference on the screen. The cause for this interference is the abrupt change in picture geometry which takes effect at random locations within the visible picture. To avoid this kind of interference, the adjustment of the critical geometry parameters HSIZE, HPOS, VSIZE and VPOS should be synchronized with the vertical flyback. This should be done in such a way that the adjustment change takes effect during the vertical blanking time (see Fig.19). For very slow I2C-bus interfaces, it might be necessary to delay the transmission of the last byte (or only the last bit) of an I2C-bus message until the start of the vertical sync or vertical blanking. S(1) SLAVE ADDRESS(2) A(3) SUBADDRESS(4) A(3) DATA(5) A(3) P(6) Fig.19 Timing of the I2C-bus transmission for interference-free adjustment. handbook, full pagewidth MGM088 vertical sync pulse vertical blanking pulse SDA parameter change takes effect |
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