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TDA4853 Datasheet(PDF) 12 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
TDA4853 Datasheet(HTML) 12 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
12 / 60 page 1999 Jul 13 12 Philips Semiconductors Product specification I2C-bus autosync deflection controllers for PC/TV monitors TDA4853; TDA4854 Horizontal pincushion (including horizontal size, corner correction and trapezium correction) EWDRV (pin 11) provides a complete EW drive waveform. The components horizontal pincushion, horizontal size, corner correction and trapezium correction are controlled by the registers HPIN, HSIZE, HCOR and HTRAP. HTRAP can be set to zero by control bit VPC. The pincushion (EW parabola) amplitude, corner and trapezium correction track with the vertical picture size (VSIZE) and also with the adjustment for vertical picture position (VPOS). The corner correction does not track with the horizontal pincushion (HPIN). Further the horizontal pincushion amplitude, corner and trapezium correction track with the horizontal picture size, which is adjusted via register HSIZE and the analog modulation input HSMOD. If the DC component in the EWDRV output signal is increased via HSIZE or IHSMOD, the pincushion, corner and trapezium component of the EWDRV output will be reduced by a factor of The value 14.4 V is a virtual voltage for calculation only. The output pin can not reach this value, but the gain (and DC bias) of the external application should be such that the horizontal deflection is reduced to zero when EWDRV reaches 14.4 V. HSMOD can be used for a DC controlled EHT compensation by correcting horizontal size, horizontal pincushion, corner and trapezium. The control range at this pin tracks with the actual value of HSIZE. For an increasing DC component VHSIZE in the EWDRV output signal, the DC component VHEHT caused by IHSMOD will be reduced by a factor of as shown in the equation above. The whole EWDRV voltage is calculated as follows: VEWDRV = 1.2 V + [VHSIZE +VHEHT × f(HSIZE) + (VHPIN + VHCOR +VHTRAP) × g(HSIZE, HSMOD)] × h(IHREF) Where: Two different modes of operation can be chosen for the EW output waveform via control bit FHMULT: 1. Mode 1 Horizontal size is controlled via register HSIZE and causes a DC shift at the EWDRV output. The complete waveform is also multiplied internally by a signal proportional to the line frequency [which is detected via the current at HREF (pin 28)]. This mode is to be used for driving EW diode modulator stages which require a voltage proportional to the line frequency. 2. Mode 2 The EW drive waveform does not track with the line frequency. This mode is to be used for driving EW modulators which require a voltage independent of the line frequency. Output stage for asymmetric correction waveforms [ASCOR (pin 20)] This output is designed as a voltage output for superimposed waveforms of vertical parabola and sawtooth. The amplitude and polarity of both signals can be changed via registers HPARAL and HPINBAL. Application hint: The TDA4854 offers two possibilities to control registers HPINBAL and HPARAL. 1. Control bit ACD = 1 The two registers now control the horizontal phase by means of internal modulation of the PLL2 horizontal phase control. The ASCOR output (pin 20) can be left unused, but it will always provide an output signal because the ASCOR output stage is not influenced by the control bit ACD. 2. Control bit ACD = 0 The internal modulation via PLL2 is disconnected. In order to obtain the required effect on the screen, pin ASCOR must now be fed to the DC amplifier which controls the DC shift of the horizontal deflection. This option is useful for applications which already use a DC shift transformer. If the tube does not need HPINBAL and HPARAL, then pin ASCOR can be used for other purposes, i.e. for a simple dynamic convergence. 1 V HSIZE V HEHT 1 V HSIZE 14.4 V ----------------- – + 14.4 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- – 1 V HSIZE 14.4 V ----------------- – V HEHT I HSMOD 120 µA -------------------- 0.69 × = f(HSIZE) 1 V HSIZE 14.4 V ----------------- – = g(HSIZE, HSMOD) 1 V HSIZE V HEHT 1 V HSIZE 14.4 V ----------------- – + 14.4 V -------------------------------------------------------------------------- – = hI HREF () I HREF I HREF f70kHz = -------------------------------- = |
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