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MAX2750AUA+ Datasheet(PDF) 5 Page - Maxim Integrated Products |
MAX2750AUA+ Datasheet(HTML) 5 Page - Maxim Integrated Products |
5 / 6 page 2.4GHz Monolithic Voltage-Controlled Oscillator for Automotive _______________________________________________________________________________________ 5 Detailed Description Oscillator The MAX2750AUA VCO is implemented as an LC oscil- lator topology, integrating all of the tank components on-chip. This fully monolithic approach provides an extremely easy-to-use VCO, equivalent to a VCO mod- ule. The frequency is controlled by a voltage applied to the TUNE pin, which is internally connected to the var- actor. The VCO core uses a differential topology to pro- vide a stable frequency versus supply voltage and improve the immunity to load variations. In addition, there is a buffer amplifier following the oscillator core to provide added isolation from load variations and to boost the output power. Output Buffer The oscillator signal from the core drives an output buffer amplifier. The amplifier is internally matched to 50Ω including an on-chip DC-blocking capacitor. No external DC-blocking capacitor is required, eliminating the need for any external components. The output amplifier has its own VCC and GND pins to minimize load-pulling effects. The amplifier boosts the oscillator signal to a level suitable for driving most RF mixers. Applications Information Tune Input The tuning input is typically connected to the output of the PLL loop filter. The loop filter provides an appropriately low-impedance source. The input may incorporate an extra RC filter stage to reduce high-frequency noise and spurious signals. Any excess noise on the tuning input is directly translated into FM noise, which can degrade the phase-noise performance of the oscillator. Therefore, it is important to minimize the noise introduced on the tuning input. A simple RC filter with low corner frequency is needed during testing to filter the noise present on the voltage source driving the tuning line. Layout Issues Always use controlled impedance lines (microstrip, coplanar waveguide, etc.) for high-frequency signals. Always place decoupling capacitors as close as possi- ble to the VCC pins; for long VCC lines, it may be neces- sary to add additional decoupling capacitors located further from the device. Always provide a low-induc- tance path to ground, and keep GND vias as close as possible to the device. Thermal reliefs on GND pads are not recommended. VCC2 VCC1 SHDN 1 2 8 7 GND OUT TUNE GND BYP µMAX + TOP VIEW 3 4 6 5 MAX2750AUA Pin Configuration |
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