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XC6113D416 Datasheet(PDF) 15 Page - Torex Semiconductor |
XC6113D416 Datasheet(HTML) 15 Page - Torex Semiconductor |
15 / 26 page 15/26 XC6101 ~ XC6107, XC6111~ XC6117 Series PIN NAME LOGIC CONDITIONS H VIN>VDF+VHYS VIN L VIN<VDF H MRB>1.40V MRB L MRB<0.35V H When keeping WD>VWDH more than TWD L When keeping WD<VWDL more than TWD L → H VWDL → VWDH, TWDIN>300nsec WD H → L VWDH →VWDH, TWDIN>300nsec VIN MRB WD RESETB (*2) H H H L Repeat detect and release (H→L→H) H Open H L → H H H or Open H → L H H L L *1 L VIN MRB WD RESETB (*3) H H H L Repeat detect and release (L→H→L) H Open H L → H H H or Open H → L L H L L *1 H VIN WD RESETB (*2) RESET (*3) H H H L Repeat detect and release (H→L→H) Repeat detect and release (L→H→L) H Open H L → H H H → L H L H L *1 L H VIN MRB RESETB (*2) RESET (*3) H H or Open H L H L L L H ■ PIN LOGIC CONDITIONS NOTE: *1: If only “VDF” is indicated, it represents both VDFL (low when detected) and VDFH (high when detected). *2: For the details of each parameter, please see the electrical characteristics. VDF: Detect Voltage VHYS: Hysteresis Range VWDH: WD High Level Voltage VWDL: WD Low Level Voltage TWDIN: WD Pulse Width TWD: WD Timeout Period ■ FUNCTION CHART ● XC6103/XC61113 Series ● XC6104/XC61114, XC6105/XC6115 Series ● XC6106/XC61116, XC6107/XC6117 Series ● XC6101/XC61111, XC6102/6112 Series *1: Including all logic of WD (WD=H, L, L→H, H→L, OPEN). *2: When the RESETB is High, the circuit is in the release state. When the RESETB is Low, the circuit is in the detection state. *3: When the RESET is High, the circuit is in the release state. When the RESET is Low, the circuit is in the detection state. *4: VIN=L and MRB=H can not be combined for the rated input voltage of the MRB pin is Vss-0.3V to VIN+0.3V. *5: The RESET/RESETB pin becomes indefinite operation while 0.35V<MRB<1.4V. |
Similar Part No. - XC6113D416 |
Similar Description - XC6113D416 |
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