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XC6105D416 Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Torex Semiconductor |
XC6105D416 Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Torex Semiconductor |
10 / 26 page 10/26 XC6101~XC6107, XC6111~XC6117 Series NOTE: *1: XC6101~XC6107 (with hysteresis) *2: XC6111~XC6117 (without hysteresis) *3: ‘X’ represents both ‘0’ and ‘1’. (ex. XC61X1⇒XC6101 and XC6111) *4: VDF(T): Setting detect voltage *5: If only “VDF” is indicated, it represents both VDFL (low when detected) and VDFH (high when detected). PARAMETER SYMBOL CONDITIONS MIN. TYP. MAX. UNITS CIRCUIT Detect Voltage VDFL VDFH VDF(T) × 0.98 VDF(T) VDF(T) × 1.02 V 1 Hysteresis Range XC6101~XC6107 (*1) VHYS VDF × 0.02 VDF × 0.05 VDF × 0.08 V 1 Hysteresis Range XC6111~XC6117 (*2) VHYS 0 VDF × 0.001 VDF x 0.01 V 1 VIN=VDF(T)×0.9V - 5 11 VIN=VDF(T)×1.1V - 10 16 XC61X1/XC61X2/XC61X3 XC61X4/XC61X5 (*3) (The MRB & the WD Pin: No connection) VIN=6.0V - 12 18 VIN=VDF(T)×0.9V - 4 10 VIN=VDF(T)×1.1V - 8 14 Supply Current ISS XC61X6/XC61X7 (*3) (The MRB Pin: No connection) VIN=6.0V - 10 16 µA 2 Operating Voltage VIN 1.0 - 6.0 V 1 VIN=1.0V 0.15 0.5 - VIN=2.0V (VDFL(T)> 2.0V) 2.0 2.5 - VIN=3.0V (VDFL(T) >3.0V) 3.0 3.5 - N-ch. VDS = 0.5V VIN=4.0V (VDFL(T) >4.0V) 3.5 4.0 - 3 VDFL Output Current (RESETB) IRBOUT CMOS, P-ch VDS = 0.5V VIN=6.0V - - 1.1 -0.8 mA 4 N-ch VDS = 0.5V VIN=6.0V 4.4 4.9 - 3 VIN=1.0V - - 0.08 - 0.02 VIN=2.0V (VDFH(T)> 2.0V) - - 0.50 - 0.30 VIN=3.0V (VDFH(T)>3.0V) - - 0.75 - 0.55 VDFH Output Current (RESET) IROUT P-ch. VDS = 0.5V VIN=4.0V (VDFH(T)>4.0V) - - 0.95 - 0.75 mA 4 Temperature Characteristics △ VDF / △ Topr・VDF -40OC < Topr < 85 OC - +100 - ppm / OC 1 2 3.13 5 13 25 38 25 50 75 60 100 140 120 200 280 240 400 560 Release Delay Time (VDF<1.8V) TDR Time until VIN is increased from 1.0V to 2.0V and attains to the release time level, and the Reset output pin inverts. 960 1600 2240 ms 5 2 3.13 5 13 25 38 25 50 75 60 100 140 120 200 280 240 400 560 Release Delay Time (VDF>1.9V) TDR Time until VIN is increased from 1.0V to (VDFx1.1V) and attains to the release time level, and the Reset output pin inverts. 960 1600 2240 ms 5 Detect Delay Time TDF Time until VIN is decreased from 6.0V to 1.0V and attains to the detect voltage level, and the Reset output pin detects while the WD pin left opened. - 3 30 µs 5 VDFL/VDFH CMOS Output Leak Current ILEAK VIN=6.0V, RESETB=6.0V (VDFL) VIN=6.0V, RESET=0V (VDFH) - 0.01 - µA 3 VDFL N-ch Open Drain Output Leak Current ILEAK VIN=6.0V, RESETB=6.0V - 0.01 0.10 µA 3 ■ ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS ● XC6101~XC6107, XC6111~XC6117 Series Ta = 25 OC |
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