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TMP411 Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - Burr-Brown (TI) |
TMP411 Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - Burr-Brown (TI) |
7 / 28 page ![]() TMP411 SBOS383A − FEBRUARY 2007 www.ti.com 7 SERIES RESISTANCE CANCELLATION Series resistance in an application circuit that typically results from printed circuit board (PCB) trace resistance and remote line length (see Figure 11) is automatically cancelled by the TMP411, preventing what would otherwise result in a temperature offset. A total of up to 3k Ω of series line resistance is cancelled by the TMP411, eliminating the need for additional characterization and temperature offset correction. See the two Remote Temperature Error vs Series Resistance typical characteristics curves for details on the effect of series resistance and power-supply voltage on sensed remote temperature error. DIFFERENTIAL INPUT CAPACITANCE The TMP411 tolerates differential input capacitance of up to 1000pF with minimal change in temperature error. The effect of capacitance on sensed remote temperature error is illustrated in typical characteristic Remote Temperature Error vs Differential Capacitance. TEMPERATURE MEASUREMENT DATA Temperature measurement data is taken over a default range of 0 °C to +127°C for both local and remote locations. Measurements from −55 °C to +150°C can be made both locally and remotely by reconfiguring the TMP411 for the extended temperature range. To change the TMP411 configuration from the standard to the extended temperature range, switch bit 2 (RANGE) of the Configuration Register from low to high. Temperature data resulting from conversions within the default measurement range is represented in binary form, as shown in Table 1, Standard Binary column. Note that any temperature below 0 °C results in a data value of zero (00h). Likewise, temperatures above +127 °C result in a value of 127 (7Fh). The device can be set to measure over an extended temperature range by changing bit 2 of the Configuration Register from low to high. The change in measurement range and data format from standard binary to extended binary occurs at the next temperature conversion. For data captured in the extended temperature range configuration, an offset of 64 (40h) is added to the standard binary value, as shown in Table 1, Extended Binary column. This configuration allows measurement of temperatures below 0 °C. Note that binary values corresponding to temperatures as low as −64 °C, and as high as +191 °C are possible; however, most temperature sensing diodes only measure with the range of −55 °C to +150°C. Additionally, the TMP411 is rated only for ambient temperatures ranging from −40 °C to +125°C. Parameters in the Absolute Maximum Ratings table must be observed. Table 1. Temperature Data Format (Local and Remote Temperature High Bytes) LOCAL/REMOTE TEMPERATURE REGISTER HIGH BYTE VALUE (+1 °C RESOLUTION) TEMP STANDARD BINARY EXTENDED BINARY TEMP ( °C) BINARY HEX BINARY HEX −64 0000 0000 00 0000 0000 00 −50 0000 0000 00 0000 1110 0E −25 0000 0000 00 0010 0111 27 0 0000 0000 00 0100 0000 40 1 0000 0001 01 0100 0001 41 5 0000 0101 05 0100 0101 45 10 0000 1010 0A 0100 1010 4A 25 0001 1001 19 0101 1001 59 50 0011 0010 32 0111 0010 72 75 0100 1011 4B 1000 1011 8B 100 0110 0100 64 1010 0100 A4 125 0111 1101 7D 1011 1101 BD 127 0111 1111 7F 1011 1111 BF 150 0111 1111 7F 1101 0110 D6 175 0111 1111 7F 1110 1111 EF 191 0111 1111 7F 1111 1111 FF NOTE: Whenever changing between standard and extended temperature ranges, be aware that the temperatures stored in the temperature limit registers are NOT automatically reformatted to correspond to the new temperature range format. These temperature limit values must be reprogrammed in the appropriate binary or extended binary format. Both local and remote temperature data use two bytes for data storage. The high byte stores the temperature with 1 °C resolution. The second or low byte stores the decimal fraction value of the temperature and allows a higher measurement resolution; see Table 2. The measurement resolution for the remote channel is 0.0625 °C, and is not adjustable. The measurement resolution for the local channel is adjustable; it can be set for 0.5 °C, 0.25°C, 0.125 °C, or 0.0625°C by setting the RES1 and RES0 bits of the Resolution Register; see the Resolution Register section. |
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