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P87C552 Datasheet(PDF) 37 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
P87C552 Datasheet(HTML) 37 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
37 / 74 page Philips Semiconductors Preliminary specification P87C552 80C51 8-bit microcontroller 8K/256 OTP, 8 channel 10 bit A/D, I2C, PWM, capture/compare, high I/O, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power 1999 Mar 30 37 If the STA and STO bits are both set, the a STOP condition is transmitted to the I2C bus if SIO1 is in a master mode (in a slave mode, SIO1 generates an internal STOP condition which is not transmitted). SIO1 then transmits a START condition. STO = “0”: When the STO bit is reset, no STOP condition will be generated. SI, THE SERIAL INTERRUPT FLAG SI = “1”: When the SI flag is set, then, if the EA and ES1 (interrupt enable register) bits are also set, a serial interrupt is requested. SI is set by hardware when one of 25 of the 26 possible SIO1 states is entered. The only state that does not cause SI to be set is state F8H, which indicates that no relevant state information is available. While SI is set, the low period of the serial clock on the SCL line is stretched, and the serial transfer is suspended. A high level on the SCL line is unaffected by the serial interrupt flag. SI must be reset by software. SI = “0”: When the SI flag is reset, no serial interrupt is requested, and there is no stretching of the serial clock on the SCL line. AA, THE ASSERT ACKNOWLEDGE FLAG AA = “1”: If the AA flag is set, an acknowledge (low level to SDA) will be returned during the acknowledge clock pulse on the SCL line when: – The “own slave address” has been received – The general call address has been received while the general call bit (GC) in S1ADR is set – A data byte has been received while SIO1 is in the master receiver mode – A data byte has been received while SIO1 is in the addressed slave receiver mode AA = “0”: if the AA flag is reset, a not acknowledge (high level to SDA) will be returned during the acknowledge clock pulse on SCL when: – A data has been received while SIO1 is in the master receiver mode – A data byte has been received while SIO1 is in the addressed slave receiver mode When SIO1 is in the addressed slave transmitter mode, state C8H will be entered after the last serial is transmitted (see Figure 42). When SI is cleared, SIO1 leaves state C8H, enters the not addressed slave receiver mode, and the SDA line remains at a high level. In state C8H, the AA flag can be set again for future address recognition. When SIO1 is in the not addressed slave mode, its own slave address and the general call address are ignored. Consequently, no acknowledge is returned, and a serial interrupt is not requested. Thus, SIO1 can be temporarily released from the I2C bus while the bus status is monitored. While SIO1 is released from the bus, START and STOP conditions are detected, and serial data is shifted in. Address recognition can be resumed at any time by setting the AA flag. If the AA flag is set when the part’s own slave address or the general call address has been partly received, the address will be recognized at the end of the byte transmission. CR0, CR1, AND CR2, THE CLOCK RATE BITS These three bits determine the serial clock frequency when SIO1 is in a master mode. The various serial rates are shown in Table 5. A 12.5kHz bit rate may be used by devices that interface to the I2C bus via standard I/O port lines which are software driven and slow. 100kHz is usually the maximum bit rate and can be derived from a 16MHz, 12MHz, or a 6MHz oscillator. A variable bit rate (0.5kHz to 62.5kHz) may also be used if Timer 1 is not required for any other purpose while SIO1 is in a master mode. The frequencies shown in Table 5 are unimportant when SIO1 is in a slave mode. In the slave modes, SIO1 will automatically synchronize with any clock frequency up to 100kHz. The Status Register, S1STA: S1STA is an 8-bit read-only special function register. The three least significant bits are always zero. The five most significant bits contain the status code. There are 26 possible status codes. When S1STA contains F8H, no relevant state information is available and no serial interrupt is requested. All other S1STA values correspond to defined SIO1 states. When each of these states is entered, a serial interrupt is requested (SI = “1”). A valid status code is present in S1STA one machine cycle after SI is set by hardware and is still present one machine cycle after SI has been reset by software. Table 5. Serial Clock Rates BIT FREQUENCY (kHz) AT fOSC CR2 CR1 CR0 6MHz 12MHz 16MHz fOSC DIVIDED BY 0 0 0 23 47 62.5 256 0 0 1 27 54 71 224 0 1 0 31 63 83.3 192 0 1 1 37 75 100 160 1 0 0 6.25 12.5 17 960 1 0 1 50 100 1331 120 1 1 0 100 200 2671 60 1 1 1 0.24 < 62.5 0 < 255 0.49 < 62.5 0 < 254 0.65 < 55.6 0 < 253 96 × (256 – (reload value Timer 1)) Reload value Timer 1 in Mode 2. NOTES: 1. These frequencies exceed the upper limit of 100kHz of the I2C-bus specification and cannot be used in an I2C-bus application. |
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