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P87C552 Datasheet(PDF) 9 Page - NXP Semiconductors

Part # P87C552
Description  80C51 8-bit microcontroller 8K/256 OTP, 8 channel 10 bit A/D, I2C, PWM, capture/compare, high I/O, low voltage 2.7V.5.5V, low power
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Manufacturer  PHILIPS [NXP Semiconductors]
Direct Link  http://www.nxp.com
Logo PHILIPS - NXP Semiconductors

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Philips Semiconductors
Preliminary specification
80C51 8-bit microcontroller
8K/256 OTP, 8 channel 10 bit A/D, I2C, PWM,
capture/compare, high I/O, low voltage (2.7V–5.5V), low power
1999 Mar 30
XTAL1 and XTAL2 are the input and output, respectively, of an
inverting amplifier. The pins can be configured for use as an on-chip
oscillator, as shown in the logic symbol.
To drive the device from an external clock source, XTAL1 should be
driven while XTAL2 is left unconnected. There are no requirements
on the duty cycle of the external clock signal, because the input to
the internal clock circuitry is through a divide-by-two flip-flop.
However, minimum and maximum high and low times specified in
the data sheet must be observed.
A reset is accomplished by either (1) externally holding the RST pin
high for at least two machine cycles (24 oscillator periods) or (2)
internally by an on-chip power-on detect (POD) circuit which detects
VCC ramping up from 0V.
To insure a good external power-on reset, the RST pin must be high
long enough for the oscillator to start up (normally a few
milliseconds) plus two machine cycles. The voltage on VDD and the
RST pin must come up at the same time for a proper startup.
For a successful internal power-on reset, the VCC voltage must
ramp up from 0V smoothly at a ramp rate greater than 5V/100 ms.
The RST line can also be pulled HIGH internally by a pull-up
transistor activated by the watchdog timer T3. The length of the
output pulse from T3 is 3 machine cycles. A pulse of such short
duration is necessary in order to recover from a processor or system
fault as fast as possible.
Note that the short reset pulse from Timer T3 cannot discharge the
power-on reset capacitor (see Figure 2). Consequently, when the
watchdog timer is also used to set external devices, this capacitor
arrangement should not be connected to the RST pin, and a
different circuit should be used to perform the power-on reset
operation. A timer T3 overflow, if enabled, will force a reset condition
to the 8XC554 by an internal connection, independent of the level of
the RST pin.
A reset may be performed in software by setting the software reset
bit, SRST (AUXR1.5).
Figure 1. On-Chip Reset Configuration
Figure 2. Power-On Reset
Stop Clock Mode
The static design enables the clock speed to be reduced down to
0 MHz (stopped). When the oscillator is stopped, the RAM and
Special Function Registers retain their values. This mode allows
step-by-step utilization and permits reduced system power
consumption by lowering the clock frequency down to any value. For
lowest power consumption the Power Down mode is suggested.
Idle Mode
In the idle mode (see Table 2), the CPU puts itself to sleep while
some of the on-chip peripherals stay active. The instruction to
invoke the idle mode is the last instruction executed in the normal
operating mode before the idle mode is activated. The CPU
contents, the on-chip RAM, and all of the special function registers
remain intact during this mode. The idle mode can be terminated
either by any enabled interrupt (at which time the process is picked
up at the interrupt service routine and continued), or by a hardware
reset which starts the processor in the same manner as a power-on
Power-Down Mode
To save even more power, a Power Down mode (see Table 2) can
be invoked by software. In this mode, the oscillator is stopped and
the instruction that invoked Power Down is the last instruction
executed. The on-chip RAM and Special Function Registers retain
their values down to 2.0V and care must be taken to return VCC to
the minimum specified operating voltages before the Power Down
Mode is terminated.
Either a hardware reset or external interrupt can be used to exit from
Power Down. The Wake-up from Power-down bit, WUPD (AUXR1.3)
must be set in order for an external interrupt to cause a wake-up
from power-down. Reset redefines all the SFRs but does not
change the on-chip RAM. An external interrupt allows both the SFRs
and the on-chip RAM to retain their values.
To properly terminate Power Down the reset or external interrupt
should not be executed before VCC is restored to its normal
operating level and must be held active long enough for the
oscillator to restart and stabilize (normally less than 10ms).

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