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NE83C92A Datasheet(PDF) 7 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
NE83C92A Datasheet(HTML) 7 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
7 / 9 page Philips Semiconductors Product specification NE83C92 Low-power coaxial Ethernet transceiver 1995 May 1 7 POR/Under Voltage Lockout/AUI Selection The transmit and receive squelch circuits of the NE83C92 remain active if the absolute value of VEE is less than the threshold for under voltage lockout, VUVL. This prevents glitches from appearing on either the AUI or coaxial cable during power up and power down. There is no collision announcement during power up and the transceiver waits for 400ms before becoming enabled. If RXI is disconnected from the coaxial cable after power-up, its voltage will fall towards VEE. If the absolute value of this voltage exceeds the AUI disable voltage, VDIS, for longer than 800ms, the transmit and receive squelch circuits remain active and, in addition, the AUI drivers become high impedance. This permits AUI connections to be hard wired together, e.g., the coaxial transceiver and 10BASE-T transceiver, with the signal path determined by which transceiver is connected to its external cable. There is a 400ms collision announcement on disconnecting RXI, but there is no announcement on re-connection. This feature can be disabled by pulling RXI up with a 200k Ω to ground. Detection of Coaxial Cable Faults In the NE83C92 there is no internal loopback path from the TX inputs to the RX outputs. This means that, when the local DTE is transmitting, the signal will only be present at the receiver outputs RX+ and RX– if it appears on the coaxial cable and is larger than the receiver squelch threshold VRS. If a short circuit fault condition occurs at the cable connector to the CTI, then no signal will appear at the receiver outputs. In the case of an open circuit at the coaxial cable connector there will also be no signal at the receiver outputs due to the AUI disabling mode of the NE83Q92. However, a heartbeat signal will be present following a transmission attempt for the short circuit condition, but not for the open circuit. A coaxial cable with only a single 50 Ω termination will generate a collision not only at every transmission attempt, but also for every reception attempt due to the receive mode collision detection of the NE83C92. CD+ CD– RX+ VEE VEE RX– TX+ TX– HBE GND RR+ VEE RXI TXO CDS RR– 500 Ω 500 Ω 500 Ω 500 Ω + 9V (ISOLATED) – DC TO DC CONVERTER <200mA 78 Ω TRANSMIT PAIR RECEIVE PAIR COLLISION PAIR 12 TO 15V DC 1k Ω 1% (NOTE 2) NOTES: 1. T1 is a 1:1 pulse transformer, with an inductance of 30 to 100 µH. 2. IN916 or equivalent for Ethernet, not required for Thin Ethernet. 3. 78 Ω resistors not required if AUI cable not present. 4. Not required for optimal integrated/local MAU application (No AUI cable, see Note 3), minimum current consumption. 5. Install 200k Ω to disable the 400ms collision announcement when disconnecting cable. 78 Ω 78 Ω NE83C92 CTI 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 1 2 4 5 7 8 16 15 13 12 10 9 T1 (NOTE 1) COAX AUI CABLE (NOTE 3) SD00309 (NOTE 4) 200k Ω (NOTE 5) Figure 1. Connection Diagram for Standard 8392 Applications |
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