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NE5560N Datasheet(PDF) 13 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
NE5560N Datasheet(HTML) 13 Page - NXP Semiconductors |
13 / 16 page Philips Semiconductors Product specification NE/SE5560 Switched-mode power supply control circuit 1994 Aug 31 13 δ INCREASES V6 V15 SET RESET CHARGE .6V 5.6V SAWTOOTH 1.1V DISCHARGE DEAD TIME SL00376 Figure 17. Start-Stop Circuit Remote On/Off Circuit (Pin 10) In systems where two or more power supplies are used, it is often necessary to switch these supplies on and off in a sequential way. Furthermore, there are many applications in which a supply must be switched by a logical signal. This can be done via the TTL-compatible remote on/off input on Pin 10. The output pulse is inhibited for levels below 0.8V. The output of the IC is no longer blocked when the remote on/off input is left floating or when a voltage >2V is applied. Start-up occurs via the slow-start circuit. The Output Stage The output stage of the NE5560 contains a flip-flop, a push-pull driven output transistor, and a gate, as indicated in Figure 18. The flip-flop is set by the flyback of the sawtooth. Resetting occurs by a signal either from the PWM or the current limit circuit. With this configuration, it is assured that the output is switched only once per period, thus prohibiting double pulsing. The collector and emitter of the output transistor are connected to respectively Pin 15 and Pin 14, allowing for normal or inverted output pulses. An internally-grounded emitter would cause intolerable voltage spikes over the bonding wire, especially at high output currents. This current capability of the output transistor is 40mA peak for VCE ≅ 0.4V. An internal clamping diode to the supply voltage protects the collector against overvoltages. The max. voltage at the emitter (Pin 14) must not exceed +5V. A gate, activated by one of the set or reset pulses, or by a command from the start-stop circuit will immediately switch-off the output transistor by short-circuiting its base. The external inhibitor (Pin 13) operates also via this base. Demagnetization Sense As indicated in Figure 18, the output of this NPN comparator will block the output pulse, when a voltage above 0.6V is applied to Pin 13. A specific application for this function is to prevent saturation of forward-converter transformers. This is indicated in Figure 19. Feed-Forward (Pin 16) The basic formula for a forward converter is V OUT + dVIN n (n + transformer ratio) This means that in order to keep VOUT at a constant value, the duty cycle δ must be made inversely proportional to the input voltage. A pre-regulation (feed-forward) with the function δ~1/VIN can ease the feedback-loop design. “I” “I” “n” NOTES: The signal V13 can be derived from the demagnetizing winding in a forward converter as shown below. FLYBACK SET RESET FROM START STOP 0.6V 13 14 15 + – VZ VZ V1 B H P1 P2 S1 + – SL00377 Figure 18. Output Stage This loop now only has to regulate for load variations which require only a low feedback gain in the normal operation area. The transformer of a forward converter must be designed in such a way |
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