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ICL7665SACPAZ Datasheet(PDF) 10 Page - Intersil Corporation |
ICL7665SACPAZ Datasheet(HTML) 10 Page - Intersil Corporation |
10 / 14 page 10 FN3182.8 April 5, 2006 Combination Low Battery Warning and Low Battery Disconnect When using rechargeable batteries in a system, it is important to keep the batteries from being over discharged. The circuit shown in Figure 14 provides a low battery warning and also disconnects the low battery from the rest of the system to prevent damage to the battery. OUT1 is used to shutdown the ICL7663S when the battery voltage drops to the value where the load should be disconnected. As long as VSET1 is greater than 1.3V, OUT1 is low, but when VSET1 drops below 1.3V, OUT1 goes high shutting off the ICL7663S. OUT2 is used for low battery warning. When VSET2 is greater than 1.3V, OUT2 is high and the low battery warning is on. When VSET2 drops below 1.3V, OUT2 is low and the low battery warning goes off. The trip voltage for low battery warning can be set higher than the trip voltage for shutdown to give advance low battery warning before the battery is disconnected. Power Fail Warning and Powerup/Powerdown Reset Figure 15 shows a power fail warning circuit with powerup/powerdown reset. When the unregulated DC input is above the trip point, OUT1 is low. When the DC input drops below the trip point, OUT1 shuts OFF and the power fail warning goes high. The voltage on the input of the 7805 will continue to provide 5V out at 1A until VIN is less than 7.3V, this circuit will provide a certain amount of warning before the 5V output begins to drop. The ICL7665S OUT2 is used to prevent a microprocessor from writing spurious data to a CMOS battery backup memory by causing OUT2 to go low when the 7805 5V output drops below the ICL7665S trip point. FIGURE 13. MULTIPLE SUPPLY FAULT MONITOR HYST1 VSET1 VSET2 HYST2 V+ OUT1 OUT2 274k Ω R21 100k Ω 22 POWER OK 301 R11 +5V -15V -5V M Ω k Ω 787 k Ω +5V 1M Ω 1.02M Ω R21A R21B 49.9k Ω +5V +15V HYST1 SET1 SET2 HYST2 V+ OUT1 OUT2 R31 R32 R12 R11 R21 R22 GND + - LOW BATTERY SHUTDOWN 1M Ω V+ OUT1 SHUTDOWN VSET OUT2 V+ GND 1M Ω LOW BATTERY WARNING SENSE 100 Ω +5V 1A ICL7663S ICL7665S FIGURE 14. LOW BATTERY WARNING AND LOW BATTERY DISCONNECT ICL7665S |
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